Preparing to Renew Medicaid Coverage

Medicaid Related Assistance
Medicaid & Long-Term Care

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lost Medicaid Coverage? Your child may still be eligible.

Even if you were found ineligible for Medicaid, your child may still be eligible. Updating your family's information can make all the difference in maintaining the healthcare they need.​

To help us ensure that your child doesn't unnecessarily lose coverage, please verify or update your family's information with ACCESSNebraska. You will not need to submit another Medicaid application to update your information. Nebraska Medicaid uses available information to check if your child still qualifies for Medicaid and will only ask you for information if necessary.

Stay informed and connected by contacting Nebraska Medicaid in the following ways: 

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What is Changing in Medicaid?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Medicaid members kept their coverage even if they were no longer eligible. 

Medicaid returned to its normal eligibility rules on March 1, 2023. It will take approximately twelve months to review each member's eligibility.

It is very important that Medicaid members make sure their contact information is up to date with Nebraska Medicaid. If Nebraska Medicaid is not able to reach a member, they could unnecessarily lose Medicaid coverage.

​Check your contact information on ACCESSNebraska​​​​​

​​*Please note the CMS metrics represent the renewal data for each month during the unwind period and are not cumulative. The unwind dashboard renewal data represent the monthly cumulative progress during the unwind period. For this reason the renewal data will not match.

Sections on this page

    Medicaid Renewals

    Medicaid is required by the federal government to review each member's Medicaid eligibility. 

    If we have all the information we need, Nebraska Medicaid will complete a member's renewal without asking them for information.​

    Starting March 1, 2023, DHHS will begin completing a renewal for each Medicaid member. It will take approximately 12 months to review all of our members. The goal is to prevent unnecessary loss of Medicaid coverage.

    Information for Members

    Completing your renewal

    If we have all the information we need, Nebraska Medicaid will complete your renewal without asking you for information. Once Nebraska Medicaid completes your renewal we will send you a letter in the mail with the results.​

    Attention Parents: Lost Medicaid coverage? Your child may still be eligible​

    Even if you were found ineligible for Medicaid, your child may still be eligible. Updating your family's information can make all the difference in maintaining the healthcare they need. 

    To help us ensure that your child doesn't unnecessarily lose coverage, please verify or update your family's information with ACCESSNebraska. You will not need to submit another Medicaid application to update your information. Nebraska Medicaid uses available information to check if your child still qualifies for Medicaid and will only ask you for information if necessary.

    To prevent an unnecessary interruption in Medicaid coverage, make sure your information is up to date.

    Make sure your contact information is up-to-date and report any changes to income or household size (divorce, marriage, new children)​. You can report these changes in any of the following ways:

    You should check your mail regularly. DHHS may send you important information that you need to respond to so you don't unnecessarily lose your coverage. If you have provided your email address and phone number, DHHS will also send you texts and emails when your renewal is coming up. ​

    ​​Returned mail

    If DHHS can't contact you due to returned mail, we will contact you to ask for up-to-date contact information. 

    Assistance from your ​Health Plan

    Your health plan (Nebraska Total Care, Health Blue, or United Healthcare) may contact you to confirm your current contact information, assist with your Medicaid renewal, or help you identify other health coverage if you are no longer eligible for Medicaid. 

    ​​Frequently Asked Questions​​​

    What can I do to make sure I'm prepared for my renewal?

    Make sure DHHS has the best contact information for you. 

    This includes your mailing address, phone number, and email address. To make sure your contact information is up to date, you can:

    I have never done a renewal. What does it mean? 

    Renewals normally happen once per year. When it's time for a renewal, DHHS verifies that the information we have for you and your family, like ages and income, is still correct. With your updated information, we make sure you still qualify for Medicaid coverage.

    Sometimes, DHHS can complete these renewals without asking you for information. If we need information from you, we will send you a form in the mail. You need to timely respond with the completed form to avoid unnecessarily losing your Medicaid coverage.

    I already completed a renewal in the last year. What does this mean for me?

    DHHS must complete a renewal for all members starting March 1, 2023. 

    When is my renewal due? 

    Renewal dates generally depend on the month you first became eligible for Medicaid. It is not the same month for every Medicaid member. If you've signed up for an online account with, you can use the 'Medicaid Renewal' feature after logging into your account to see when your next renewal is due.  

    Here is a step-by-step guide on how to check for your renewal date.

    You can also check when your renewal is due in any of the following ways

    • Email at
    • Fax at (402) 742-2351
    • Over the phone by calling ACCESS Nebraska at:
      • Omaha: (402) 595-1178
      • Lincoln: (402) 473-7000
      • Toll Free: (855) 632-7633
      • TDD: (402) 471-7256 ​

    What changes should I report to DHHS? 

    In addition to your contact information, you should also let DHHS know if your income or resources have changed since you applied for Medicaid. You should also let us know if your household has changed (like a marriage, divorce, pregnancy, or a new child). ​

    I received a renewal form. What do I need to do? 

    Please follow the instructions on how to complete your renewal form. If you need help completing your renewal, you can contact Nebraska Medicaid in any of the following ways:

    What happens if I don't complete my renewal?

    Your Medicaid coverage may end​ if you do not complete your renewal. If your coverage is ended for this reason, you have 90 days after your coverage ends to complete your renewal with DHHS. Your coverage will be restored if you are eligible. ​

    What happens if I complete my renewal, but I no longer qualify for Medicaid?

    DHHS will send you a notice letting you know when your Medicaid coverage ends. If you no longer qualify for Medicaid, we will also send your information to the federal marketplace (also known as to see if you qualify for financial assistance for health coverage. ​

    If you are eligible for Medicare you will qualify for a Medicare special enrollment period.

    What coverage is available through the federal marketplace, and how do I apply? 

    Health coverage through the marketplace covers things like prescription drugs, doctor visits, urgent care, hospital visits, and more. If DHHS sends your information to the marketplace, the marketplace will send you a letter about completing a marketplace application, and you might qualify for financial assistance. For more information, you can go to​ or contact the call center at 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325).​

    If you need assistance applying for health coverage through the marketplace, assisters are ready to help.

    Can people still apply for Medicaid?

    Yes, if you are currently uninsured or think you may qualify for Medicaid DHHS will continue to accept new Medicaid applications like usual. ​

    Will there be any changes to who can qualify for Medicaid?

    No, DHHS is only checking whether everyone with Medicaid coverage still qualifies for coverage. There are no changes to who can qualify for coverage at this time.  ​

    Will there be any changes to my Medicaid benefits? 

    DHHS will be checking whether you still qualify for Medicaid coverage, but if you still qualify, there will not be any changes to your benefits at this time. ​

    Resources for Co​​m​munity Partners, Tribes, and Providers​​

    How do I help members prepare?

    Let's make sure members stay covered. To help members prepare, go through this checklist with them:

    • ​Have you moved recently? Or changed phone numbers?
    • New email address?
    • Have there been any changes to your household size?
      • New children or other dependents?
    • Has your income changed?

    If they answer yes to any of these questions, please tell them to visit or share any of the informational materials included below. They need to update their information with DHHS. 

    If members need to contact DHHS regarding their coverage they can reach us in any of the following ways:

    Read More

    DHHS partners are key to keeping members covered. Learn more about upcoming Medicaid renewals and what you can do to spread awareness.

    ​Early Outreach to Members

    In February, Medicaid is sending out a letter to many Nebraska Medicaid members at their last known addresses. Members who did not complete a prior renewal or whom DHHS has determined were no longer eligible (but kept their coverage during the pandemic) will receive this letter. 

    Webinar Recordings

    DHHS held a series of webinars to answer questions about the upcoming changes.

    Meeting recordings