In Need Of Homeless Assistance

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What you need to know

​​​​​​​​The Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP) is a grant program comprised of the Nebraska Homeless Assistance Trust Fund and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) to assist in the prevention and alleviation of homelessness. NHAP funds are allocated to non-profit agencies across the state of Nebraska and are used in conjunction with other state and federal funds to provide services to people who are at-risk of homelessness or literally homeless.  Programs provided through NHAP and other homeless assistance funding include:

Street Outreach: Essential emergency services to assist families that are residing in a place not designed for regular sleeping accommodations

Homelessness Prevention: Rental, financial assistance and/or services to prevent eligible individuals and families from becoming homeless.

Emergency Shelter: Short-term, temporary living arrangements for homeless individuals.

Rapid Rehousing:  Rental, financial assistance and/or services to connect eligible individuals and families who are literally homeless with permanent housing destinations.

Need Assistance?

Note: NHAP is not a direct provider of services. Please refer to the links and map below to find services available in the Continuum of Care (CoC) regions.

Public Access Points are agencies throughout Nebraska that assess and refer homeless people to the most appropriate housing program and/or community resources, including the Rapid Rehousing programs.  The Public Access Points are part of Nebraska's Coordinated Entry System which is a process designed to ensure that individuals and families with the highest vulnerability, service needs, and lengths of homelessness receive top priority in housing placement. 

Select the appropriate link below for further information on the Coordinated Entry System.

NHAP Funded Programs:

Providers, funded through NHAP, assist individuals and families that are at-risk of homelessness or are literally homeless. To find direct client services, please refer to the chart of NHAP-funded providers for each regional Continuum of Care System (CoC). 



Region 1 (Panhandle):

  1. The DOVES Program​
  2. *​​Northwest Community Action Partnership
  3. *Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska​

Assistance Offered: ​
*Coordinated entry public access points providers.
Providers highlighted in yellow are for Domestic Violence help only.
​Provider​Location​Phone​Emergency Shelter​Homelessness Prevention​Rapid Rehousing
​The DOVES Program​Gering
​(308) 436-4357​X
​*Northwest Community Action Partnership
​(308) 432-3393​X
​Community Action​ Partnership of Western Nebraska
​(308) 635-3089​X​X​X

Region 2 (North Central):

  1. Center For Survivors​
  2. Bright Horizons
  3. Willow Rising
  4. *Northwest Nebraska Community Action Partnership:
  5. *Central Nebraska Community Action Partnership, Inc.
  6. *Hope Harbor
Assistance Offered: 
*Coordinated entry public access points providers.
Providers highlighted in yellow are for Domestic Violence help only.
​Location​Phone​Emergency Shelter​Homelessness Prevention​Rapid Rehousing
​Center for Survivors​Columbus​(402) 564-2155​X
Bright Horizons ​O'Neill​(402) 336-1774​X
Willow Rising
​Grand Island​(308) 382-8250​X
*​Northwest Community Action Partnership (Cherry County)​Chadron​(308) 432-3393​X​X​X
*​Central Nebraska Community Action Partnership​Loup City (308) 745-0780​X​X
​*Hope Harbor​Grand Island​(308) 385-5190​X

Region 3 (Southwest):

  1. Residential Assistance to Families in Transition
  2. Parent-Child Center
  3. S.A.F.E. Center
  4. The Connection Homeless Shelter
  5. *Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska​

​Assistance Offered: 
*Coordinated entry public access points providers.
Providers highlighted in yellow are for Domestic Violence help only.

​Provider​Location​Phone​Emergency Shelter​Homelessness Prevention​Rapid Rehousing
​Residential Assistance to Families in Transition 
​Kearney​(308) 865-1352​X
​Parent-Child Center​Lexington(308) 324-2336​X​X​X
​S.A.F.E Center​Kearney​(308) 237-2599​X​X​X
The ​Connection Homeless Shelter
​North Platte​(308) 532-5050​X
*​Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska
​Kearney​(308) 865-5680​X​X

Region 4 (Southeast):

  1. Community Action Partnership of Lancaster & Saunders Counties
  2. enCourage Advocacy Center
  3. *​Blue Valley Community Action Partnership​
  4. *Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska​
  5. Southeast Nebraska Community Action Partnershiphttps://www.senca.​org/
  6. Hope Crisis Center:

Assistance Offered: 
*Coordinated entry public access points providers.
Providers highlighted in yellow are for Domestic Violence help only.

ProviderLocationPhoneEmergency ShelterHomelessness Prevention Rapid Rehousing
​Community Action Partnership of Lancaster & Saunders Counties
​(402) 471-4515
enCourage Advocacy CenterHastings(402) 463-5810X
*Blue Valley Community Action Partnership 
Fairbury(402) 729-2278XXX
*Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska
Hastings(402) 463-7679XX
Southeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership, Inc.

Humboldt(402) 862-2411
​Hope Crisis Center
​(877) 388-4673

Region 5 (Northeast):

  1. *Care Corp LifeHouse
  2. The Bridge
  3. Bright Horizons
  4. *Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership
  5. Haven House:​

Assistance Offered: 
*Coordinated entry public access points providers.
Providers highlighted in yellow are for Domestic Violence help only.

ProviderLocationPhoneEmergency ShelterHomelessness PreventionRapid Rehousing
*Care Corps LifeHouse
Fremont(402) 721-3125XXX
The BridgeFremont(402) 721-4340XXX
Bright HorizonsNorfolk(402) 379-2026X
*Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership
Pender(402) 385-6300XXX
Haven HouseWayne
(402) 375-5433X

Region 6 (Lincoln):​

  1. *CenterPointe, Inc.
  2. *​Community Action Partnership of Lancaster & Saunders Counties
  3. Friendship Home
  4. *Family Service Lincoln
  5. *Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach

Assistance Offered: 
*Coordinated entry public access points providers.
Providers highlighted in yellow are for Domestic Violence help only.

Provider​LocationPhoneEmergency Shelter/Street OutreachHomelessness PreventionRapid Rehousing
*​CenterPointe, Inc.
​(402) 475-8717
​*Community Action Partnership of Lancaster & Saunders Counties
​(402) 471-4515
Friendship Home of Lincoln Lincoln(402) 437-9302 X
*​Family Service Lincoln
​(402) 441-7949

*Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach 
Lincoln(402) 477-4116​X​

​Region 7 (Omaha)

  1. *Siena Francis House
  2. *Stephen Center
  3. The Salvation Army of Omaha
  4. Catholic Charities of Omaha - Domestic Violence Services
  5. *Heartland Family Service(also provides homeless services):  https://www.heartlandfamilyservi
  6. *Community Alliance
  7. Together
  8. Family Housing Advisory:​ 
  9. Youth Emergency Solutions:

Assistance Offered: 
*Coordinated entry public access points providers.
Providers highlighted in yellow are for Domestic Violence help only.​

ProviderLocationPhoneEmergency Shelter/Street OutreachHomelessness PreventionRapid Rehousing
*Sienna Francis House
(402) 341-1821

*Stephen Center
Omaha(402) 731-0238X​
The Salvation Army of Omaha
Omaha(402) 898-5900X
Catholic Charities of Omaha
(402) 554-0520
*Heartland Family Service (also provides homeless services)
(402) 553-3000X XX
*Community Alliance 
Omaha(402) 341-5128X

(402) 345-8047


​Family Housing Advisory
​(402) 934-6763
​Youth Emergency Solutions
​(402) 345-5187

Additional Information:

  • Education: SchoolHouse Connection is a national non-profit organization working to overcome homelessness through education. 
  • Veteran Homelessness: The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is committed to increasing leadership, collaboration, and coordination among programs serving veterans experiencing homelessness, and promoting rapid access to permanent housing for all veterans. 
  • Other Resources:
    • Nebraska FindHelp is a tool provided by the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA) to help individuals and families find affordable services like housing, food, medical care, job training, and more in Nebraska. 
    • NE211 is a one-stop source of information for people in need of assistance and acts as a single point od contact for thousands of health and human service programs, community services, disaster services and government programs. Visit the website or call 211.​