Lab Bill Payment

Environmental Health
Public Health
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What you need to know

​​​​If you would like to pay your lab invoice by check or money order, it can be sent to: Nebraska Public Health Environmental Laboratory, 3701 S. 14th St., Lincoln, NE 68502

For payment by credit card, debit card, or e-check, please go to must have your NIS account number and invoice number available to use the web site.

Laboratory invoicing and statement p​olicies 

The Nebraska Public Health Environmental Laboratory (NPHEL) is not supported by general funds.  The fees charged by the laboratory is our sole source of revenue to provide your system with quality water testing.  In order for us to operate the laboratory in an efficient manner, we rely on our customers to pay their invoices in a timely fashion.

Invoices for Public Water Systems are mailed out around the middle of each month and invoices for Private customers are mailed weekly.  Every invoice is due 30 days from the invoice date.  Invoices list the type of analysis, sample number, collection date, location, and collector.  This information is obtained from the sample submission forms that accompany the sample kits and can be used as a tool to match invoices to test results.  Statements are mailed around the first of each month to accounts with outstanding overdue balances.

The laboratory implemented a policy effective October 1, 2011 regarding accounts that are greater than 60 days past due.  Customer accounts that are two or more months past the invoice due date will be put on hold.  If you do not receive your kits when you expect them to arrive, check to make sure that your accounts information is current and your account is not past due.  All account information should be kept updated to ensure proper invoicing and kit shipment.  Please contact the laboratory with any of the following changes as soon as they occur:  account name changes, account contact changes, address changes, and all phone number changes for either the owner, water operator, and/or account payable contact.  Remember that we need the correct information to properly provide you timely service.

Sample kits for past due accounts may be held until the customer either pays their account in full or makes prior payment arrangements with the laboratory.  If prior arrangements are made, prepayment will be required for future testing until the account is paid in full.  When paying your account, please send your payment, along with the remittance copy of the invoice.  This helps us credit the payment to the appropriate account and invoice.  If an account is put on hold, prepayment for future testing will be required when you mail in your sample kit.  If the payment is not included with the sample, it may not be tested or reported until payment is received.

Per the laboratory's 90 Day Policy for Unused Test Kits, any kit ordered which is not received back within 90 days will be charged the cost of the kit plus postage if it was shipped to you.  Kits that are returned unused within that 90 day window will only be charged for the postage cost.

For accounts receivable questions, call (402) 471-8441 or (402) 471-8407.​