HCBS Participant Planning

Medicaid HCBS Waivers
Developmental Disabilities

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​YOU are in charge of your life!​ ​

  • ​​Planning happens during conversations you have with the people who are most important to you. 
  • Your Service Coordinator documents your plan at your meetings. 
  • Your services are provided based on what is written in your plan.  
  • The resources below will help you take charge.​

It is important for your services to meet your needs; this is person-centered planning.  

Planning Your HCBS Waiver Services​

Self-Directing Your Services

When you work with independent providers, you are in charge of directing your services. The following are available to help you with this decision:

Your Rights 

Understand your rights. Your Service Coordinator will go over this document with you at least once a year.

Your Service Coordinator (SC)

Your Team

YOU choose who you want to support you. 

Your team must include you, your Service Coordinator, and any Medicaid HCBS service providers who work with you. When you have a guardian, they are on your team. You can invite other family, friends, or organizations.

When choosing a team, it may be helpful to think about:

  • ​Who are your cheerleaders?
  • Who keeps you grounded?
  • Who is an expert in something you enjoy or want to do?​​​

Your Meetings

Your meetings are with your team. You choose your team! Your meetings are person-centered for YOU.​

There are at least two meetings held each year. Before your meetings, your Service Coordinator talks with you about your needs and available services. Your team will discuss your progress toward goals. When services do not meet your needs, any team member can request a meeting.​

​Charting the LifeCourse - Tools to Plan Your Good Life!​​

Learn about Person-Centered Planning

DHHS and the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities are focused on a Person-Centered Planning (PCP) initiative to provide person-centered supports for all Nebraska's HCBS Waivers. 

Introduction to Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC)

​There is a variety of information to help you think about your services and plan your life:

CtLC Life Experience Quick Guides​

Each four-page Quick Guide contains a few questions from each life domain for that specific life stage. These can be used by anyone to work toward their vision for a good life.

  • Focus on Early Childhood - Early childhood is the time in a child's life before they begin school full time.
  • Focus on School Age - School age is the years from kindergarten through middle school.
  • Focus on Transition to Adulthood - Transition means that you are moving from childhood to young adulthood and from school to adult life.
  • Focus on Adulthood - Adulthood is the period from the time after we transition from school and childhood years through the time when we enter our golden years.
  • Focus on Aging - Aging is the period of life when we begin to slow down and experience many age-related changes.​

CtLC Tool: Integrated Supports Star

CtLC Tool: Life Trajectory

Person-Centered Planning Champions - A Monthly CtLC Discussion

​DHHS has a monthly discussion on the first Tuesday of each month via Webex at 3:00 PM, CT, led by Amy Callendar-Taft, a Service Coordinator and CTLC Ambassador.

Anyone can attend, whether you struggle with CTLC or use the tools regularly. We want to engage participants, guardians, independent providers, and agency staff. We mainly talk about the three tools available in Therap: The Integrated Star, Life Domains, and Trajectory. We may also look at other tools in the Nexus library that you can use to plan your good life.

Sessions are open discussions about how CtLC tools work and any problems people have.

  • We share ideas, show examples, talk about resources, problem solve, and explore the tools.
  • We talk about how teams can use CtLC tools to create goals, supports, and improve the lives of those they were created for and by.
  • We will discuss different community resources, habilitative ideas, technology, and relationships.
  • Most importantly, we open essential dialog between participants, Service Coordinators, families, and providers about the value of CTLC tools when fully prepared and used.

Join Meeting

Meeting ID: 2484 319 0031

Meeting password: FQtsucjC343

Resources for Participants​

Enable Accounts - Save Money

​Enable accounts are offer checking, savings, and investment accounts for people with disabilities. This gives participants the ability to save money without it affecting their benefits (up to $100,000). 

Learn More

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Guardianship Resources - Information for my Guardian

You do NOT need a guardian in order to have services; however, many participants d​​o have guardians. If you have a guardian, this is some information they need to know about the guardianship process and their responsibilities. 

Medicaid and Long-Term Care - Services, Renewal, and Share of Cost

HCBS Waivers are Medicaid services. Learn more about Medicaid and what else may be available to you.

Annual Renewal

The Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care (MLTC) reviews each member's Medicaid eligibility. It is very important that Medicaid members make sure their contact information is up to date with Nebraska Medicaid. If Nebraska Medicaid is not able to reach a member, they could unnecessarily lose Medicaid coverage.

Check your conta​​ct information on iServe

Share Of Cost Information

Nebraska VR - Find a Job

​DDD partners with Nebraska VR for employment services. For more information:

Therap - Access Your Information

Participants and guardians can access Therap, the web-based case management system.

Learning Opportunities​

Munroe-Meyer Institute

The Munroe-Meyer Institute (MMI) for Genetics and Rehabilitation offers training opportunities for both the public and professionals. There are specific training pages for people with disabilities and parents/caregivers.

Therap Training Academy

The Therap Training Academy offers many training opportunities. Enrolling in the training academy is free. Therap is important to the services we provide, so it is important to learn about. The Therap training account is separate from your Therap login.