- Each transaction you selected on the trading partner profile must pass the testing process before moving to production. Exception includes outbound-only files (835*, 277CA).
- Each test file must have 20 to 25 claims/inquiries per test file. Two successful files for each transaction are required before moving to production.
- The trading partner authorization provided to Nebraska Medicaid during enrollment will establish the providers for use in your test files. Work with these providers to acquire active data to use on the claims/inquiries.
- We follow the TR3 guide (available for purchase) industry standard for our file format. Any Nebraska Medicaid specifics can be found in our companion guides.
- The EDI help desk will contact the trading partner after two successful test files are received to determine the date for moving the transaction(s) into production status.
*The 835 transaction does not require testing and will be delivered to the trading partner effective the cycle following the enrollment. These 835 files are delivered on Monday evenings (Tuesday when Monday is a holiday); also delivered at that time are provider refund request reports.