EMS Training Agencies and Education

Community and Rural Health Planning
Public Health
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What you need to know

​Continuing Education training calendar

A complete list of trainings and training dates may be found on the Nebraska EHS Training Calendar.

To have trainings added to the calendar please contact Wendy Snodgrass​.

Applications and supporting documents are preferred to be completed, signed, and sent electronically to the email address listed on the application.  Please follow all directions to ensure there or no delays in processing your application.​

Note: All continuing education, specialty training and conference requests should be submitted 30 days prior to the start of the class.  

Additional information regarding eligibility and requirements are in directions of the reimbursement applications.  If you have questions regarding reimbursement or to gain access to the 24/7 online EMS continuing education training contact Wendy Snodgrass​.

Reimbursement for EMS Tuition

Application for initial or reinstatement tuition reimbursement for an individual or service.

Reimbursement for Continuing Education

Reimbursement funding for EMS Service, training agencies, and hospitals to provide continuing EMS Education.

Reimbursement for Specialty Courses

Application for reimbursement of specialty courses such as PHTLS, AMLS, PALS, ACLS, etc.

Reimbursement for EMS Conferences

Application to reimburse Nebraska EMS conferences.

Login to the 24/7 EMS Online Education

Online continuing education for EMS services & providers

Student & Licensee Resource Handbook

Reference for all NE EMS licensees on DHHS Services

​What you need to know!​

BLS Psychomotor Testing Information

Below are the BLS Psychomotor Examination resources to ensure standardized testing for the Basic Life Support (BLS) psychomotor examination for Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) students. The BLS Psychomotor Scenario Examination is the State of Nebraska's process of testing to measure a student's entry-level competency of the psychomotor exam.

EMS Training Agencies and Pass Rate

EMS Training Agencies provide initial and continuing education for Emergency Medical Services.  These agencies are located across the state and ​can are a great resource for EMS services and providers. 

Nebraska Approved Training Agencies

​Below is the NREMT Cognitive Pass Rate for each Nebraska EMS Training Agency based on the first attempt pass rate through the final ​sixth attempt pass rate. 

Note:  Pass rate percentages are subject to change due to retesting affecting a two year cumulative period


Wendy Snodgrass
EMS Education and Training Agency Compliance Manager
Phone Number
(402) 873-5082
Cell Number
(402) 314-9184
Fax Number
(402) 742-1140
Mailing Address
917 Wildwood LN, Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410