DHHS Implements System Enhancements to the EVV System

News Release
For Immediate Release: 2/20/2025
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Gillian Daniel, (402) 471-6585,

Lincoln, NE – On February 19, 2025, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care (MLTC) implemented changes to the federally required Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) System for Nebraska Medicaid Personal Assistance Services (PAS) and Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) providers.

The Department gathered feedback and worked with stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition. System enhancements were developed and tested to ensure a user-friendly experience for caregivers.

In preparation for the implementation, the Department, in collaboration with Netsmart, hosted six provider training sessions via Zoom. These sessions ensured providers were informed about enhancements and equipped to continue delivering quality services efficiently.

The training sessions included demonstrations specific to the Aged and Disabled (AD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver providers, and PAS providers as well as training on feature changes in the system. Recordings of these sessions can be found on the Netsmart Mo​bile Caregiver+ training page. Additional recordings, quick guides, forms, and FAQs are available on the DHHS EVV Provider Training page under Single Audit Initiative (SAI) Changes Effective 02/19/2025.  

System enhancements include:

GPS or IVR Verification Required for Visit Capture

  • GPS – The use of a mobile application to start and end a visit. This is the preferred method.
  • IVR – The use of a phone to start and end a visit. This method must be approved by Nebraska DHHS.
  • Provider Administrators cannot adjust the billable start time to a time before the actual start time, or the billable end time to a time after the actual end time after the visit is completed. 

Geofence Radius

  • The Geofence radius has been shortened from two miles to 0.25 miles for zip codes in urban locations and 0.50 miles for zip codes in rural locations.
  • Geofence radius by zip code can be found in Appendix A at the bottom of our FAQs. 

Signature Requirement

  • The recipient's signature is required for all EVV personal care services. (PAS, AD, TBI, DD, and Family Support Waiver)
  • If the recipient has an authorized guardian or personal representative, the authorized guardian or personal representative is required to sign.
  • If the recipient is physically unable to sign, please use the Recipient Physically Unable to Sign selection in the signature drop-down. 

Provider Schedule and Go

  • Available to providers and caregivers that use Netsmart's Mobile Caregiver+ (MCG+) Mobile Application.
  • Add New Address functionality – This will allow providers and caregivers to schedule visits in the MCG+ Mobile Application with a new address not already saved in the MCG+ Provider Portal.
  • Unknown/Not Known functionality – This will allow providers and caregivers to schedule visits in the MCG+ Mobile Application when the physical address is unknown and or not known. 

Force Pay by State Adjustment Request

  • Allows for Agency and Independent Providers to request payment reconsideration if they have a visit that triggers a Critical Error from any of the above enhancements.
  • The Force Pay by State Adjustment Request Form can be found here

For more information regarding EVV, visit https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Electronic-Visit-Verification.aspx

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