Frequently Asked Questions about Child Support

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Economic Assistance
Children and Family Services
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What you need to know

How and where do I make a child support payment?

Payments must be made to:

Nebraska Child Support Payment Center
PO Box 82600
Lincoln, NE 68501-2600

Ways to make payments:   

  • Withholding from your paycheck - The most effective method of payment is for your employer to automatically deduct the support payment from your paycheck. Your employer will withhold and send in payments for you.  
  • Automatic withdrawal or EFT from your checking or savings accounts - These payments can be made at various pay intervals and can be set up by calling the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center at (877) 631-9973, option 3. You can also sign up at the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center
  • Check or money order - Monthly payment coupons should always be sent in with a check, money order or cashier's check. If you do not have a coupon, please remember to include two unique identifiers-such as social security number, court order number, name or ARP (Starts with 'AR'). 
  • Credit/debit cards - Credit/debit card payments can be made at the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center or in person at the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center. Credit card payments will have a 2.49% surcharge. There is no fee to pay by debit card. 
  • Walk-in payments - The Nebraska Child Support Payment Center accepts payments at: 421 S. 9th St., Lincoln, NE 68508

How are my child support payments distributed?

Child support payments are divided among any court orders in which you are ordered to pay support.  By Nebraska law, payments are first applied to the support due for the current month.  If you pay in excess for the current month, the extra amount will first be applied to any past due support and then to any interest owed.

How can I get my child support amount changed?

Under federal and state law, you have the right to request a review of your child support order. If you have an open child support case, you may request CSE to review your child support order.  

In the review, the income of both parties will be used to calculate the amount of support that should be paid. The amount could go up, down or stay the same. The review process may take up to six months.

If you are interested in requesting a review and modification, please call (877) 631-9973, option 2, to request a packet or go to the CSE website and fill out an application.  

Can you collect child support even if the other parent lives in another state?

Yes. If the parent who is court-ordered to pay child support lives in another state, child support will either send a notice to withhold income directly to the parent's employer or will ask the other state to collect the child support. 

How do I contact my caseworker?

Call the Nebraska Customer Service call center at (877) 631-9973, option 2.

How do I open a child support case?

Child support services are available to parents and relatives who complete the child support application. Contact us at (877) 631-9973, option 2, to request a paper application or complete the online application.

How can I request genetic testing?

Contact the Nebraska Customer call center at (877) 631-9973, option 2.

I have summer visitation. How do I receive credit?

Your court order may have a provision for summer visitation credit.  Please review the order, as it may be necessary for you to notify the Clerk of the District Court so credit is received for that time period.  You can also contact Nebraska Child Support customer service at (877) 631-9973, option 2, to see if it is already entered in the system for credit.

Who do I speak with about custody and visitation?

Child support cannot assist parents with custody or visitation issues. You will need to contact a private attorney for help in these areas.

Is there a maximum amount of money that may be withheld from my paycheck?

Yes, for all income withholdings, what may be withheld is based on the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA). The federal withholding limits for child support and alimony are based on the disposable earnings of the employee.

The Federal CCPA limit is 50 percent of the disposable earnings if the employee supports a second family and 60 percent if the employee does not support a second family. These limits increase to 55 percent and 65 percent respectively if the employee owes arrearages that are 12 weeks or more past due. 

Is there any charge for child support services?

Custodial parents may be charged a $35 annual service fee from all cases in which a minimum of $550 has been collected and disbursed to the Child Support payee (custodial parent). The fee will not be changed in cases where the custodial parent has received TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) at any time.  The fee is charged per child support case.

What is the age of emancipation in Nebraska?

The age of emancipation is 19 in Nebraska. Child support is paid through to the birth month of the child when they reach age 19, unless otherwise determined in the court order.