WIC Training Center

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​Are you in the process of hiring a new WIC CPA or Clerk? This page provides guidance on training new staff. Attendance at the Nebraska WIC Training Center is required for all clerks and CPAs as outlined in each local agency's subaward under program specific requirements. The Training Center teaches how to complete job duties according to Federal Regulations and the Nebraska WIC procedures. Use the information on this page to guide you through the new staff training process. 

New Staff Training Process - Flow Chart​

Training Center Session Offering Dates 2025 - CPA & Clerk​

Training Process Overview - Video

Training Center Overview - Webinar Recording (19 minutes)

Video Topics:  Background of WIC Training Center; meet the new coaches; review the process for new staff training and sending staff to the training center;  review local agency training coordinator role in new staff training; review forms to complete

Local Agency Training Coordinator - Contact List

Each local WIC agency identifies someone to serve as their local agency training coordinator. Some local agencies designate more than one person. This person is responsible for working with the State WIC office to coordinate their training experience and also to serve as a mentor before and after the new staff member attends the Training Center to help ensure continuity of training. 

The current list of Local Agency Training Coordinators is below. Please contact Jackie Johnson with the State WIC office if your contact(s) have changed.

Local Agency Training Coordinator - Contact Listing

Address, Parking, Directions - Nebraska Training Center

The Family Service WIC Program is the host location for the Nebraska WIC Training Center. 

Directions to the Training Center 

End of Training Reports & Surveys

An End of Training Progress Report for each trainee will be emailed after new staff attends the training center. Any itmes noted with an NT (no training provided) or an RT (re-teaching needed) in the rating column will require follow up from the local agency:

Two Trainee Surveys - to collect feedback about their training:

WIC Director Survey - to collect feedback on how prepared you felt your staff were to work clinic after attending the Remote Training Clinic.