Report WIC Fraud

Public Health
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What would you like to do?

What you need to know

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Reporting complaints, fraud, or abuse

There are four ways to submit a complaint or a report of suspected fraud or abuse.

  1. Fill out the Complaint Form and click on the “Submit" button once to automatically send it to WIC.
  2. Complete the Complaint Form and email it to
  3. You can also print the form and mail it to WIC Program, 301 Centennial Mall South, PO BOX 95026, Lincoln, NE 68509-5026
  4. Call the State WIC Office at (402) 471-2781 to talk with a member of the State WIC Staff.


Provide details to allow WIC to follow up on your complaint: 

Complaint:  WIC Participant or Shopper

  • Name of participant or shopper
  • Address or city
  • WIC ID number and eWIC card number (if known)
  • Transaction date & time (if known)
  • Names/descriptions of the persons involved
  • Location
  • Specific food/formula involved
  • Website or Facebook group names and or links to the sites or pages

Complaint:  Grocery Store, Pharmacy, or Farmer/Farmer's Market

  • Store, pharmacy, farmer, or farmer's market name
  • Location
  • Date and time
  • Names/descriptions of other persons involved
  • The specific food involved

Complaint:  WIC Clinic

  • Clinic name
  • Location
  • Whether the interaction was in person or over the phone
  • Whom you spoke with

Complaint:  Other

If you feel your concerns do not fall under any of the above categories, please be as specific as possible describing what you would like to tell the program.


State WIC Office Staff
Nebraska WIC Program
Phone Number
(402) 471-2781
Mailing Address

301 Centennial Mall South

P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026