Report a foodborne illness
- Did you or someone you know get sick from something you ate from a Nebraska food establishment? For example, a restaurant, grocery store, convenience store.
- Did you or someone you know recently attend an event where other people became ill? For example, wedding, concert, conference, retirement party, etc.
Report a Foodborne Illness
If you prefer to report by phone, you may call your local health department or Nebraska DHHS Office of Epidemiology (402) 471-2937. If you have a food safety or sanitation complaint about a Nebraska grocery store or food establishment, please call (402) 471-3422 or visit their website Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) Food Safety and Consumer Protection.
Why report a foodborne illness?
- When two or more people from different households get the same illness from the same contaminated food or drink, the event is called a foodborne outbreak.
- Reporting illnesses to state and local health departments helps them identify potential outbreaks of foodborne disease.
- Public health officials investigate outbreaks to control them, so more people do not get sick and to learn how to prevent similar outbreaks from happening in the future.