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Health Promotion
Public Health
The mission of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services is to meet the health care needs of persons living with HIV disease by funding primary health care and support services to get people into medical care and help them stay in care. This accomplished through funding of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act (authorized by the Health Resources and Services Administration) and the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act (authorized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development).

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​​The mission of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services is to meet the healthcare needs of persons living with HIV disease by funding primary healthcare and support services to get people into medical care and help them stay in care. The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act (authorized by the Health Resources and Services Administration) and the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act (authorized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development) provide funding for these programs.​ ​​​

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part B Program  

Since 1993, the HIV/AIDS Program of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services has collected data on persons served by the Nebraska Ryan White Part B Program (RWHAP Part B). To be eligible for RWHAP Part B services: a person must have HIV or AIDS, be a resident of Nebraska (citizenship status is not a qualifying factor for eligibility), and have an income that is equal to or less than 400% of the current year's federal poverty level.

RWHAP Part B services include core medical services: medical case management, AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), early intervention, mental health, medical visit copay and deductible, oral health care, and substance abuse outpatient services; and support services: minority outreach, emergency financial assistance, medical transportation, food bank, and home delivered meals, housing, linguistics, non-medical case management, and psychosocial support services. 

AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) 

​ADAP is a core medical service provided under Ryan White CARE Act funding. ADAP provides medication full coverage, copayment, and/or deductible assistance for FDA-approved HIV-related and program-approved over-the-counter (OTC) prescription drugs to eligible program consumers living with HIV/AIDS who are uninsured and underinsured. Nebraska's RWHAP Part B ADAP Health Insurance Premium (ADAP HIP) assistance also provides medical and dental insurance assistance to qualifying insured persons living with HIV/AIDS who are unable to pay for their premiums, medical appointment copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. The plan must provide access to antiretroviral (ARV) therapies and drug formularies that are comparable to the State's formulary. The Nebraska RWHAP Part B ADAP has an open formulary for both Copay and Standard (uninsured) ADAP consumers. This is subject to change based on funding levels. Please note that ADAP does not cover the following:

  • Schedule II (some medications may be approved on a case-by-case basis with a prior authorization)
  • Cosmetic Agents
  • Erectile Dysfunction Agents
  • Fertility Agents​

Housing Opportunities for Persons With HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) Program 

  • The Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program is a Federal program dedicated to the housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) receives funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and then contracts with the Nebraska AIDS Project (NAP) to provide direct client services. 
  • HOPWA housing support enables these special-needs households to establish or maintain stable housing, reduce their risks of homelessness, and improve their access to healthcare and other support. This assistance is provided primarily as rental housing assistance, including emergency and transitional housing. Appropriate supportive services are provided as part of any assisted housing. 
  • A summary of all types of assistance for clients and project sponsors is as follows: permanent housing placement; tenant-based rental assistance, including assistance for shared housing arrangements; short-term rent, mortgage, and utility payments; operating costs; administrative expenses; and supportive services, including case management.
  • HOPWA Eligibility
    Low-income persons (at or below 80 percent of area median income) that are medically diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and their families are eligible to receive HOPWA-funded assistance. Depending on the type of assistance requested, further qualifications may apply. A waiting list exists for some HOPWA assistance types, every effort will be made to ensure clients are prioritized based on assessed needs.  
  • HOPWA Services
    NAP serves all 93 counties in Nebraska with offices located in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, Norfolk, and Scottsbluff.
    To receive HOPWA-funded services, clients must be enrolled through case management, provide proof of HIV status, proof of income, and other federally required documentation. NAP can be contacted at (402) 552-9260.
  • Useful Links
    Housing and Urban Development Program Info - HOPWA
    Nebraska AIDS Project Client Services

The Legislation

Access all of the Ryan White legislation – from the original 1990 law to the 2009 Act, the fourth time the program was reauthorized.

Ryan White Part B Program
NE Division of Public Health / Department of Health & Human Services
Phone Number
(402) 471-2101
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026
NE Division of Public Health / Department of Health & Human Services
Phone Number
(402) 471-2101
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026