Family First Frequently Asked Questions

Children and Family Services

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What you need to know

Below you will find some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Family First Prevention Services Act.

What is a Qualified Residential Treatment Program, also known as QRTP?

A QRTP is a non-foster home placement that meets a specified checklist of criteria to receive IV-E federal funding. It is not a new level of care.

Do I need to contact Region V to do the QRTP assessment anytime a child is being placed into congregate care (shelter, group home)?

No.  The QRTP assessment is only needed for those youth entering a facility that meets the QRTP criteria.  In October 2019, Omni Therapeutic Group Home will be the only facility in Nebraska meeting the QRTP criteria.  Discussions are taking place with additional facilities and Nebraska is anticipated to have more capacity in the next 4 – 6 months.

Are HFA and FCT the only EBPs you're currently planning to claim IV-E prevention dollars?

We intend to claim IV-E prevention dollars in HFA, FCT (via transitional payments), PCIT, MST, FFT and TF-CBT

Are you also planning to claim IV-E prevention dollars for your currently Medicaid-reimbursable models: PCIT, FFT, MST and TF-CBT specifically for a) your Child Welfare youth that are not eligible/enrolled in Medicaid? and/or b) transition payments to prevent delay in receipt of services for Medicaid-eligible children?

We recognize that PCIT, MST, FFT and TF-CBT are Medicaid funded services, however, in the event a client/family that has an FFPSA prevention plan with us, doesn't have Medicaid, private insurance or any other funding source available, then we will pay and claim expense reimbursement, since FFPSA is payer of last resort.

How are you thinking of using IV-E prevention dollars to support telehealth capacity?

\We support the technological use of telehealth in Nebraska, especially given with our vast rural areas. At this time, we have one identified provider that has indicated they are able/willing to do telehealth for some of the identified FFPSA services. It is possible that the use of IV-prevention dollars for telehealth could be allocated to expand telehealth capacity. We emphasize “possible" as this is not a specific conversation that Nebraska has had at this time.

How are you using IV-E prevention dollars to expand HFA capacity provided by public health?

At the end of the fiscal year, we will review the expenditures and seek out the appropriate reimbursement. Upon receipt of those funds, it will be determined how it will be allocated to bring up or expand upon EBP services. It is possible at that time, that IV-E prevention dollars could be used to expand HFA capacity, if there is an identified need in our state to do so.