FAQs for Schedulers and Supervisors

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This page provides answers for schedulers ​to the most commonly asked questions about TeleStaff.
FAQ Image

Do schedulers have different access from end users within Telestaff?​

Yes, Schedulers will have more actions available to them to manage all employees under their purview at the facility. End Users will only have access to view and manage information for themselves.

If an employee would not typically be a scheduler but needs to fill in to assist the staffing team, how would they be provided scheduler access?

They can be temporarily added to an approver user group by a system administrator. The temporary access would provide them with scheduler access for the duration of their time in the temporary assignment.

When the Scheduler/Supervisor receives a request for time off, who approves the request?

All the individuals assigned to a group for Approvers will all receive the request at the same time. When one Approver completes a request, the other Approvers on the team will be notified that the request has been resolved.

When we go live, will there be someone onsite to help employees with TeleStaff?

Unfortunately, no. There is a User Guide for both Schedulers and End Users available on the DHHS TeleStaff website on the Training Resources page. You can also reach out to your facility's representative who was on the TeleStaff project team for assistance.

How do I add a new employee's information into a cloned assignment?

You would need to add the new employee's information on the People page first, then their name will appear in the search when filling the assignment.

Do we need to inform staff of their User ID and the default password?

Yes, you should advise everyone to user their LAN ID as the USERID.​

Can multiple people be on the same assignment?

No, each assignment is filled by one person. You would clone the desired assignment and put the second person into the cloned version.

Regarding BYES, will the system add in the BYES earned each quarter and the extra BYES earned due to the number of overtime hours worked? And does TeleStaff reset the BYE totals at the end of the fiscal year?

The TeleStaff system does not track or calculate Mandatory BYES; they must be tracked manually. However, there is a report in Telestaff that provides a list of employees who took a BYE that can aid with tracking

How do we label on-calls in TeleStaff?

A group, specialty or skill can be created called "On-Call" and then assigned to the applicable people. In the people filter, you can filter by specialty or group. It is recommended to use "Skill" to create it. Your System Administrator can create an On-Call group in TeleStaff under Setup > Shifts > On Call.

Do we need to use legal names, or can we change the names in the People tab to their preferred names?

There is only one field of input for first and last names. We suggest that names entered match what is in Kronos.

Why are there inactive people still showing up on the assignment template?

This issue can be corrected by an IT Administrator. Only IT administrators can move people between organizations. If there is something like this in the future, contact Frank's team to correct it.

Is it possible to create another system administrator at a facility? If so, who can create that role?

A Facility Administrator would create a new person and edit their profile to make them a Site Administrator. This also works to add Schedulers as well. Go to People > Profiles > Authority Override.

Explain shift merges and how they work.

A shift merge is only entered to merge rosters. It is not an actual schedule and should not have people assigned. It is assigned to rosters to make them look cleaner.
