Board of Emergency Medical Services

Community and Rural Health Planning
Public Health

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Nebraska Board of Emergency Medical Services is comprised of 17 individuals that are appointed by the Governor to serve five-year terms and can be reappointed when their term expires.  Members include representatives of each licensure classification of out-o​f-hospital emergency medical care providers, physician medical directors from each congressional district, training agencies, basic life support and advanced life support services, licensed nurses and the public.

The Board of Emergency Medical Services currently has no vacant positions.

EMS Board Meetings

The Board of Emergency Medical Services meetings are open to the public with the exception of investigational and other confidential matters. Agendas for these ​​meetings are posted at least 5 days prior.

Meeting Dates​​​​

Future 2025 Meeting Dates

  • May 9
  • July 11
  • September 8
  • December 5

Board of Emergency Medical Services Meeting Minutes​​​​

What does the board do

The board shall promote public information and education programs; collect information; review and comment on all state agency proposals; establish model protocols and procedures; review and evaluate the act. The purpose of a professional board is to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Nebraska by ensuring that licensees, certificate holders, and registrants are meeting minimum standards of proficiency and competency, as well as to control their profession in the interest of consumer protection. Board members' duties include, but are not limited to, recommending the issuance or denial of licenses; changes in legislation and regulations; complaint screening and making recommendations on disciplinary actions. A board member is expected to attend all board meetings, participate on any sub-committee to which appointed, and be prepared for and provide input during meetings.

The Board of Emergency Medical Services has the following Composition and Requirements.

How can I become a board member

The Board of Emergency Medical Services is a Governor appointed board.  If you are interested in being considered for a Board of Emergency Medical Services position, you will need to complete the application found on the Office of the Governor's Boards & Commissions site.

Difference between professional and consumer members

All professional members must meet specific criteria such as being in active practice under a license for a period of five years. Consumer members must be able to represent the consumer's perspective. Both professional and consumer members have equal voting rights on board issues and both can hold offices on the board. 

Confidentiality and conflict of interest

Board members are expected to make difficult decisions and to do so without bias. However, when situations arise that pose a conflict, board members are precluded by statute and regulations from participating in decision making.  Board members serve as officials of the State of Nebraska with all the dignity and liability that goes with this responsibility.  While board members are statutorily not liable for certain functions, it must be stressed that privileged information received by them must be kept strictly confidential. 

Board members must distinguish their board member roles from that of other roles to ensure that their actions facilitate public health and safety.

Entitlements and Reimbursement

The Board of Emergency Medical Services members are reimbursed a $50 per diem (day) plus expenses (mileage, lodging, meals) for each day spent conducting board business. Being a board member entails a commitment of personal time and, in some instances, funds.
Tim Wilson
Program Administrator
Phone Number
(402) 471-0124
Mobile Number
(402) 480-1072
Fax Number
(402) 742-1140
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026