The CFS Community Support Specialist (CSS) team was initially created to assist families and communities in navigating the rollout of Economic Assistance platforms and programs, like AccessNE, iServe, Food Stamps, TANF, Child Care, etc. This team is also now focused on prevention and early intervention to assist families and communities in meeting their needs, either through links to financial support or community-based support.
The CSS team provides outreach, connections, support and resources for families, community agencies and stakeholders. They serve as a single point of contact for community agencies with questions regarding programs, policy and area resources. The team can provide training to community agency staff which allows that staff to better advocate for our clients in common. Additionally, they attend many community events to provide information and assistance.
The CSS Team also offers outreach at events. If you have any events that you would like DHHS to be represented at please reach out to your local CSS staff person.
When families have access to what they need and supports in place, it is less likely that they will enter any other formal systems, can thrive in their communities and provide safety and well-being for their children.
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