Central Registry Users and Settings

Children and Family Services

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

Below you will find step by step instructions on how to setup an Organization Portal Account, add users and change Settings.


Create Account

  1. Select the Register button in the top right-hand corner of the Portal Home Page

    Note: If you already have an account with the State of Nebraska (as is used in the DHHS Claims portal) you may skip this process and log in with those credentials

Screenshot of New Account Registration page 

2. Enter the information required, and click Register Account to ensure your account is created

3. If you are not returned to the Portal's Front Page automatically, to Log In using your new account, you may use the link here, to continue

Enroll Organization

  1. Select the Enroll/Join Organization or Business button
  2. Select the Enroll New Organization button and complete the enrollment information.

Screenshot of Enroll/Join Organization page 

Screenshot of Enroll New Organization page 

Note: The Account that enrolled the organization will automatically become the Administrator.

Creating and Connecting a Nebraska.gov Subscription Account

  1. Become a Nebraska.gov Subscriber by visiting Nebraska.gov and clicking Become a Nebraska.gov Subscriber.
  2. Visit the Central Registry Portal and Click the Payment Settings tile to link your Nebraska.Gov Subscriber account to your portal account.
  3. If you are asked for a Subscriber Username and Subscriber Password, please enter your credentials from Nebraska.Gov to link your Business or Organization on the Central Registry Portal to your Nebraska.Gov Subscriber account

Screenshot of Payment Setting page 

4. Once you click submit, you will be returned to your Business or Organization's tiles. You can check that your link was successfully established if your Payment Settings tile now lists your Nebraska.Gov Subscriber ID.


Joining an Organization Portal Account

An Administrator of an Enrolled Business or Organization must sent an invite to your email, in order for you to join them on the Central Registry Portal. Once you have received the invitation:

  1. If necessary, Register a user account.
  2. Use the Link in your Invitation to Login to the Central Registry Portal and enter the Organization ID and Auth Code provided in your Invitation

Screenshot of Join Organization page 

3. Click Join Organization to be added to the list of Users.


Organization Settings

1. Click the Settings tile to see options for Businesses or Organizations on the Central Registry Portal including updating enrollment information and access to your Standard Check Request URL.

Screenshot of Settings page 

Editing Users/Administrators

1. Click on the Users tile to send invitations to additional members of your Business or Organization to grant them access on the Central Registry Portal. On this tile you will also be able to modify the Roles of any associated users and remove users if necessary.

Screenshot of Organization Users page