| 15 - Aging Services | These regulations govern certain programs for the aging population in Nebraska, including the Community Aging Services Act, Care Management Units, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, and the Senior Companion Volunteer Program. | 9/21/2020 |
| 172 - Professional and Occupational Licensure | These regulations govern the licensure and practice of various health professions and occupations, including licensing requirements, fees, standards of conduct, practice guidelines, and training standards. Also included are regulations for the mandatory reporting of conduct or actions by credentialed health professionals that may violate the laws or regulations governing their practice. | 1/20/2025 |
| 173 - Control of Communicable Disease | These regulations govern reporting requirements for communicable diseases and poisonings; school health requirements including disease control, physical examinations, and immunization standards; the control of tuberculosis and rabies; immunization standards for early childhood programs; and directed health measures, including quarantine and isolation, to prevent or limit the spread of communicable disease, illness, or poisoning. | 7/19/2022 |
| 174 - Vital Records | These regulations govern the recording of vital events in Nebraska – births, deaths, marriages, divorces, fetal deaths, and induced abortions, including regulations on the filing, amendment, release, and viewing of vital records, and the release of information from vital records. | 6/14/2023 |
| 175 - Health Care Facilities and Services Licensure | These regulations govern the licensure of various types of health care facilities and services in Nebraska, including hospitals, nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, substance abuse treatment centers, home health agencies, pharmacies, hospice services, and others. | 1/20/2025 |
| 176 - Nebraska Critical Incident Stress Management | These regulations govern the Critical Incident Stress Management Program, which assists public safety personnel with symptoms of stress related to emergency response. The regulations include program management structure, personnel requirements, standards of conduct, and disciplinary procedures. | 9/4/2021 |
| 177 - Health/Laboratory Services | These regulations govern procedures and standards for certain laboratory tests, including those for driving or boating under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, and set fees for state laboratory services. | 3/1/2022 |
| 178 - Environmental Health | These regulations govern the Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act, the Nebraska Asbestos Control Act, the Residential Lead-Based Paint Professions Certification Act, and Methamphetamine Cleanup.
| 9/20/2023 |
| 179 - Public Water Systems | These regulations govern public water systems, including laboratory certification and agreement requirements for testing drinking water.
| 1/20/2025 |
| 180 - Control of Radiation | These regulations govern activities designed to assure public health and safety from ionizing radiation including radioactive materials, radiation-generating equipment (such as x-ray equipment), low-level radioactive waste, and radon. The regulations also govern practitioners of medical radiography and the transportation of radioactive material. | 9/20/2023 |
| 181 - Special Health Programs | These regulations govern the Chronic Renal (Kidney) Disease Program, the Newborn Screening Program, the Screening Mammography Program, Consent for Predictive Genetic Testing, and the Cancer Drug Repository Program. Also included are administrative appeal and fair hearing procedures for the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. | 9/17/2024 |
| 183 - Financial Assistance | These regulations govern programs designed to provide financial incentives for health professionals to practice in underserved areas, and programs to provide financial support to institutions conducting research on cancer and smoking disease. | 10/4/2020 |
| 184 - General Administration - Division of Public Health | These regulations are the rules of practice and procedure for the former Department of Health, including administrative hearings, declaratory orders, negotiated rulemaking, and implementation of the Administrative Procedure Act. | 9/17/2024 |
| 185 - Nebraska Statewide Trauma System | These regulations govern the development of a statewide trauma system. They establish a process and standards for health care providers to become designated as trauma care, specialty trauma care, and rehabilitation centers. The regulations also establish a communication system to facilitate patient care and an information registry. | 5/17/2022 |
| 186 - Health Registries and Release of Information | These regulations govern Nebraska's statewide registries of cases of cancer, brain and head injury, external causes of injury, and Parkinson's Disease. Regulations on the release of medical records and health information are also included. | 6/26/2022 |
| 202 - Operations Within Facilities and Community-Based Services for Persons with Mental Illness or Developmental Disabilities | These regulations govern the determination of individuals' ability to pay for supports and services funded by the Department. | 3/22/2020 |
| 206 - Behavioral Health Services | These regulations govern the organization and implementation of behavioral health services in Nebraska. They address DHHS responsibilities, regional governing boards, finance and administration and contain service definitions of behavioral health services funded by the Division of Behavioral Health. | 6/27/2021 |
| 207 - Rules of Practice and Procedures for Administrative Hearings Before the Department of Public Institutions | | 5/6/2020 |
| 390 - Child Welfare and Juvenile Services | These regulations govern the Department’s services to protect children from abuse and neglect and to improve family conditions that place children at risk. Included are regulations on intake and assessment, out-of-home placement including adoption and foster care, Native American child welfare, services for juvenile offenders, education for state wards, and other child welfare services. | 2/20/2024 |
| 391 - Children's Services Licensing | These regulations govern the licensing of child care providers, including family child care homes, child care centers, and preschools. The regulations include provider and staff requirements, the application, licensing, and inspection process, and standards to protect the health and safety of children in care. | 3/22/2021 |
| 392 - Child Care Subsidy Program | These regulations govern the Child Care Subsidy Program, which provides assistance with child care costs to low-income families working toward self-sufficiency. The regulations cover general background, application process, elements of eligibility, authorization and notice, and provider requirements for subsidized child care. | 9/15/2020 |
| 395 - Children and Family Services: Protection and Safety | These regulations govern the Department's activities and services provided to abused and neglected children and young adults, and include the Bridge to Independence Program. | 6/2/2024 |
| 400 - Nebraska Veterans' Home System | These regulations govern membership in Nebraska's Veterans' Homes. The Department is responsible for the management and administration of Veterans' Homes. An independent board is responsible for the review of applications for membership in the Veterans' Homes. | |
| 401 - Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Centers | These regulations govern the state’s Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Centers (YRTCs), including discipline and grievance procedures, communications, essential services, and parole and discharge. | 5/17/2022 |
| 402 - Nebraska Health Care Funding Act | | 11/11/2019 |
| 403 - Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver Services (HCBS) for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities | These regulations govern Medicaid home and community-based waiver services for persons with developmental disabilities. | 5/7/2024 |
| 404 - Developmental Disabilities Services | These regulations govern community-based services for persons with developmental disabilities. | 9/17/2024 |
| 405 - ICF/DD Reimbursement Protection Act | These regulations govern taxes levied against Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmental Disabled (ICF/DD’s), as required by the ICF/DD Reimbursement Protection Act. | 6/20/2020 |
| 462 - Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program | These regulations govern the administration of grant programs in the Homeless Assistance Program, including grants from the state Homeless Shelter Assistance Trust Fund and the federal Emergency Shelter Grant Program. | 5/17/2020 |
| 463 - Adult Protective Services | These regulations govern the administration of the Adult Protective Services Program. | 6/21/2020 |
| 464 - Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services Program | These regulations govern the administration of the Respite Subsidy Program Across the Lifespan, which is designed to provide funding for caregivers to purchase respite services. | 10/3/2021 |
| 465 - Regulations of General Application | These regulations provide general information on regulations for the former Department of Social Services, including "program universals" such as client rights and responsibilities, confidentiality and disclosure, fraud and abuse, assignment of representatives, and Administrative Procedure Act regulations including administrative hearings. | 9/17/2024 |
| 466 - Child Support Enforcement Program | These regulations govern the activities of the Child Support Enforcement Program, designed to help children obtain financial support from both parents by locating absent parents, establishing paternity, and enforcing support obligations. | 7/4/2020 |
| 467 - Medically Handicapped Children's Program | These regulations govern the Medically Handicapped Children's Program (MHCP), which provides coverage of medical services for children with certain disabilities; the Genetically Handicapped Persons' Program, which is an extension of the MHCP and provides coverage of certain services for persons age 21 or older who require treatment for cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, and sickle cell disease; and the SSI Disabled Children's Program, which serves children who receive monthly SSI grants and helps families care for their children at home by funding services such as respite care, mileage for long-distance medical trips, special equipment, and home modification. | 5/17/2022 |
| 468 - Aid to Dependent Children Program | These regulations govern the Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) Program, which provides cash assistance to low-income families with minor children. The regulations include eligibility standards, determination of benefits, work requirements and self-sufficiency contracts under the Employment First program, and standards for emergency assistance. | 8/29/2022 |
| 469 - Assistance to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled Program | These regulations govern programs that provide financial aid and medical assistance to persons in need who are age 65 and older, or who are age 64 and younger and blind or disabled. They include eligibility standards and determination of benefits. | 6/6/2022 |
| 470 - Refugee Resettlement Program and the Refugee Medical Assistance Program | These regulations govern programs that provide for the effective resettlement of refugees in Nebraska, to assist refugees to achieve economic self-sufficiency as quickly as possible, and to assist refugees with financial aid and medical assistance during their initial resettlement in Nebraska. | 6/14/2023 |
| 471 - Nebraska Medical Assistance Program | These regulations govern the services provided under Nebraska's Medicaid program. Each chapter deals with a specific service and includes definitions and descriptions, limitations, prior authorization requirements, billing requirements and payment provisions. These regulations are the source of material for provider handbooks. | 1/20/2025 |
| 472 - The Disabled Persons and Family Support Program | These regulations govern the Disabled Persons and Family Support program, which coordinates and purchases services and items to assist employed adults with disabilities to maintain their independence, and to help families keep family members with disabilities in their homes. | 11/12/2024 |
| 473 - Social Services for Aged and Disabled | These regulations govern the coordination and provision of social services to those in need who are aged or disabled, including chore services, adult day care, respite care, home-delivered or congregate meals, and transportation. | 7/13/2021 |
| 474 - Social Services for Families and Children | These regulations govern the coordination and provision of social services to families, children, and youth in need, including homemaker services, transportation, and domestic abuse referrals. Also included are licensing regulations for foster homes, group homes, child caring agencies, and child placing agencies. | 6/26/2022 |
| 475 - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | These regulations govern the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which helps low-income people buy food. Benefits are free of charge if a household meets the program guidelines for income and resources. The regulations cover eligibility, determination of benefits, issuance, and accountability. | 9/17/2024 |
| 476 - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) | These regulations govern the Low Income Energy Assistance Program, which helps families with limited income to pay the costs of heating and cooling their homes. The regulations cover eligibility, determination of benefits based on type of residence and fuel type, and payment. | 6/26/2022 |
| 477 - Medicaid Eligibility | Effective January 1, 2014, these regulations govern Medicaid eligibility under the Federal Affordable Care Act. | 1/20/2025 |
| 479 - Child Welfare Payments | These regulations govern payment for child welfare services and/or medical assistance to state wards and former wards, and subsidized guardianships and adoptions. | 8/19/2023 |
| 480 - Home and Community-Based Services | These regulations govern services delivered under Nebraska’s home and community-based Medicaid waivers, including:
- Home and community-based services for persons who are aged or disabled,
- Early intervention Medicaid home and community-based waiver.
| 10/3/2021 |
| 481 - Community Services Block Grant Program | These regulations govern the Community Services Block Grant program, which provides funding to community action agencies and other neighborhood-based organizations for a range of services and activities to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities, and promote self-sufficiency. | 7/27/2020 |
| 482 - Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care | These regulations govern Nebraska's Medicaid Managed Care Program, also known as Nebraska Health Connection. The regulations include requirements for client participation, enrollment services, basic benefits, mental health and substance abuse benefits, quality assurance, and grievances/appeals. | 9/27/2021 |