Alcohol and Drug Counselor FAQs

Professions & Occupations
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What you need to know


Question: When I become licensed, how long is my application kept on file?

Five years. After that it is destroyed.

Question: Will my license be issued the same day the application is received?

No, we cannot provide same-day processing and issuing of licenses.

Continuing Education

Question: Do I need to send in my certificates with my renewal?

No, but you need to keep your certificates for at least two years in case you are audited.

Conviction Reporting

Question: Am I required to report traffic convictions?

Yes, if you were convicted of a misdemeanor or felony and you were sentenced or paid a ticket through traffic court. Some examples are: no valid registration; no driver's license on person; driving under suspension. Infractions (such as speeding) do not need to be reported.

Question: If I get a misdemeanor or felony conviction, am I required to report it?

Yes, you must report it to the Professions and Occupations Investigations Unit within 30 days of the conviction. Failure to report may result in disciplinary action.


Question: Do I need to notify the Department if I move or change addresses?

Yes, because correspondence and renewal notices are sent to your last known address in our records.

Question: How do I make my license inactive?

You may request that your license be placed on inactive status at any time. There is no fee for inactive status. Send a written request to the Department.

Question: What documents are needed to change my name?

You will need the Name Change or Reissuance Form on our website, along with a photocopy of your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court documents which verify an official name change.


Question: My license expired. Can I reinstate it online?

No. You must submit the reinstatement application via U.S. Mail or drop it off at our office. The reinstatement fee is listed on the application. Please find the reinstatement application on the Alcohol and Drug Counselor web page.

Question: Do I have to take an exam again?


Question: How many CE hours do I need?

40 hours within the past 24 months.

Question: If I reinstate now, do I still need to renew my license when it comes up for renewal?

Yes, but you do not have to earn an additional 40 hours. The same CE hours apply to the renewal.