UPDATE: Press Conference with Governor Pillen, DHHS, and Partners to Proclaim March Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

News Release
For Immediate Release: 3/20/2023
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Alycia Davis, (531) 249-8079,

Lincoln – Tomorrow, March 21, at 10 a.m., Governor Jim Pillen will be joined by Tony Green, the Director of the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) within the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Kristen Larsen, the Executive Director of the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCDD), Sarah Fuenning, a Hy-Vee employee, and Jeanne Thomas, the Human Resource Manager at Hy-Vee to proclaim March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

This event will take place in the Warner Chamber and will be open to credentialed members of the media.

The purpose of this awareness month is to educate and encourage Nebraskans to provide individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) the encouragement and opportunities they need to lead fulfilling and productive lives and achieve their full potential, goals, and dreams.

This month also allows Nebraskans to celebrate the achievements that have been made towards this goal. It is an opportunity to educate and remind communities of the need to ensure that people who experience IDD have the same opportunities to live, work, and enjoy life as those who do not need additional supports in this area.

Who:  Governor Jim Pillen
       DD Division Director Tony Green
       NCDD Executive Director Kristen Larsen
       Hy-Vee Employee Sarah Fuenning
       Hy-Vee Human Resource Manager Jeanne Thomas
       And other DHHS officials

What: Press Conference to proclaim March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

Where: The Warner Chamber at the State Capitol, 2nd floor, east end of the rotunda, and opposite the Norris Chamber where the Legislature convenes. 1445 K St, Lincoln, NE 68508. Watch remotely here

When: Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 10 a.m. 

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