State Dashboards Reflect Updates

News Release
For Immediate Release: 5/25/2021

Olga Dack, Office of Communications, (402) 471-9356

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announces updates as well as a new look to the public Vaccination and COVID-19 Dashboards. 

To more easily access COVID-19 case and vaccination data, the information will now be provided on the same dashboard; case data will be indicated by a blue background and vaccination data will be indicated on a white background.  The maps within the dashboard have been merged to represent COVID-19 case and vaccination data by Local Health Departments (LHD). 

The percentage that shows those that are partially and fully vaccinated will be out of the 'total population' number, not just those 16 and older.

For the demographic information, the dashboard tabs are now organized by age, gender, race and ethnicity and will display COVID-19 case and vaccination information for each of those categories on their respective tab. For the demographics categories, the unknown category has been moved from age, gender, race, and ethnicity graphics to the 'About the data' tab.  Any metrics displayed will be calculated without the unknown values, in order to more easily compare the metrics with its respective population proportion.

Any metrics that were removed are still being reviewed internally, and none of the definitions to make the metrics have changed.  To follow Nebraska's COVID-19 vaccination progress, please visit

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