Some DHHS Disaster SNAP Assistance Sites Closing Due to Winter Weather

News Release
For Immediate Release: 4/9/2019
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Lee Rettig, Communications and Legislative Services, (402) 471-8287;


Lincoln – The threat of severe winter weather in parts of Nebraska, this week, is closing several Disaster Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (D-SNAP) assistance sites. 

“While we want to make sure Nebraskans who need help recovering from last month's flooding get that help, we also want to make sure the public and our teammates stay safe," said Matt Wallen, Director of the Division of Children and Family Services, which administers SNAP and other economic assistance programs.  “Officials with our federal partner, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service, have agreed to allow the closures and to keep the sites and the D-SNAP application period open additional days next week."

Several central and northeastern Nebraska counties are under a blizzard warning or a winter storm warning beginning Wednesday afternoon.

Office LocationClosedOpen
AlbionApril 11April 12, April 15 – 16
Broken BowApril 11April 12, April 15 – 16
Falls City----------April 10 – 15
GibbonApril 11April 12, April 15 – 16
NiobraraApril 10 – 12April 15 – 18
PenderApril 11April 12, April 15 – 16


“Many of the people working at our disaster assistance sites drive long distances each day to get to the locations," said Wallen.  “We are also encouraging those who need our help to stay home and stay safe until the winter storm system passes."

D-SNAP offers short-term food assistance benefits to families recovering from a disaster.  D-SNAP is designed to help when people return to their homes and have access to electricity and grocery stores.

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