The Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant (PHHSBG) funding is administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This grant funding allows the Nebraska Department of Health Human Services (NDHHS) to address state and local priority health issues and minimize gaps in public health programs with limited or no state funding available.
The PHHSBG supports reaching the Healthy People 2030 Objectives by addressing public health needs, preventing disease and promoting health. View this CDC document to learn a more.
Nebraska's PHHSBG funding is allocated to address the following areas:
- Health Disparities and Health Equity
- Data Collection, Reporting and Registries
- Oral Health for Children and Older Adults
- Infectious Disease
- Injury Prevention and Awareness
- Providing Services to Victims of Sex Offenses and for Prevention of Sex Offenses
- Emergency Health Services
- Educational and Community-Based Programs
- Public Health Infrastructure
Nebraska's PHHSBG funding creates opportunities to:
- Address public health needs and challenges
- Address health equity and eliminate health disparities
- Develop and enhance state and local partnerships
- Support local health departments
- Improve functions and processes through public health accreditation
The Nebraska Preventive Health Advisory Committee (NPHAC) serves as a consultative Committee to review and make recommendations on the development and implementation of the PHHSBG work plan and allocation of funds.
Funds are generally limited to NDHHS projects, where NDHHS works with statewide partners (local/tribal health departments and local organizations) to address health issues and needs while addressing the Healthy People objectives.
PHHSBG legislation requires accountability by evaluating and reporting on program activities, which are submitted to CDC.
For additional information about the NPHAC, or interested in becoming a member, view the information packet and application form located under the Advisory Committee link below.
Meeting Minutes and Other Committee Documents