Nebraska DHHS to Hold Online Town Hall With Telemundo Nebraska, Radio Lobo 97.7

News Release
For Immediate Release: 3/25/2021
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Jeff Powell, (402) 471-6223,


Lincoln, Neb. – In what could be the largest outreach effort to date, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will hold a Spanish language online town hall that will be broadcast live on television, radio, and online.

Telemundo Nebraska Television covers most of Nebraska and Western Iowa. The station is on the air in Omaha, Lincoln, Norfolk, Beatrice, Columbus, Grand Island, and Sioux City. The station is also on Dish, YouTube, Hulu, and FuBo TV.

The town hall can also be heard on Radio Lobo 97.7 FM. Radio Lobo is the only Spanish language station that covers 32 counties and reaches three states. Nebraska residents can also stream audio live on

The town hall will also be seen live on Telemundo Nebraska's Facebook page.


Thursday, March 25, 2021, 6:00 PM​


  • Dannette R. Smith, Nebraska DHHS CEO
  • Dr. Armando de Alba – Assistant Professor with the University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • Dr. Josué Gutiérrez – Family Medicine Specialist with Saline Medical Specialties
  • Josíe Rodriguez -- Office of Health Disparities & Health Equity Administrator for Nebraska DHHS
  • Diana P. Acero, Douglas County Health Department
  • Marina Rosado (Moderator) – TV Anchor, Telemundo

Where: Live on Telemundo Nebraska and Radio Lobo 97.7. Audio stream on Also online on Telemundo Nebraska's Facebook Page

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