Nebraska DHHS, Lincoln-Lancaster Health Department to Hold First Online Town Hall Forum with Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Lincoln

News Release
For Immediate Release: 2/10/2021
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Jeff Powell, (402) 471-6223, 


Mt. Zion one of Largest Historically
African American Churches in Lincoln Region

Lincoln, Neb. – In an ongoing effort to reach out to Nebraska's African American community, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Lincoln- Lancaster Health Department (LLHD) are partnering with Senior Pastor Tremaine Combs of Mt. Zion Baptist Church for the first of many online town halls that will be held in the upcoming months.

Mt. Zion Baptist Church, first established in 1879 as the oldest Black Baptist Church in the state of Nebraska, is dedicated to growing and maintaining the spiritual and physical health of the Lincoln community. This cannot be done without discussing the COVID-19 vaccine with communities of the African Diaspora within the City of Lincoln. 

To that end Mount Zion and Pastor Combs have partnered with other Churches, Community, Economic and Civil Rights Organizations, as well as Black Greek Letter Organizations within Lincoln. The town hall will provide a space where those within the various African Diasporic communities of Lincoln can be empowered to receive accurate information from Public Health and Medical Officials regarding the various vaccines for a population that is twice as likely to contract, four times as likely to be hospitalized, and three times as likely to die from COVID-19. 

This also provides an opportunity for Public Health Agencies and officials to begin the process of building trust within the communities of the African Diaspora in Lincoln. 

The goal of the town hall is to provide information from health professionals regarding the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Most importantly, the town hall will serve as an opportunity for residents to ask questions and for DHHS and LLHD to listen to the concerns of the community.

When: Wednesday, February 10th, 7:00 PM


Meeting ID: 882 1343 3268

Passcode: 148199 ​


  • Cosponsored by: Mount Zion Baptist Church, Quinn Chapel AME Church, Allon Chapel SDA Church, Progressive Ministers Alliance of Lincoln, Black Ministers Alliance of Lincoln, NAACP-Lincoln Branch/Malone Community Center, Lincoln Black Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development, Lebanon Lodge #3 PHA, Beta Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Lincoln Alumni Chapter of  Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., Rho Upsilon Sigma Lincoln Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., Psi Chi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Lincoln Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., Alpha Kappa Omega Alumni Chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc.
  • Dannette Smith, CEO of Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
  • Dr. Michael Israel, Family Medicine Physician at Bluestem Health Lincoln
  • ­Shanda Ross, MSN, RN, Manager of Internal Medicine at Nebraska Medicine​

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