Nebraska DHHS Director of Developmental Disabilities Tony Green Appointed to National Policy Work Group

News Release
For Immediate Release: 2/7/2023
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Alycia Davis, (531) 249-8079,

Lincoln – The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is proud to announce the appointment of the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Director, Tony Green, to serve as a member of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) National Policy Work Group (NPWG). He will serve a two-year renewable term on this workgroup that is dedicated to representing the shared interests of state developmental disabilities agencies in the formulation of federal policies.

The NASDDDS represents the nation's agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia by providing services to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. NASDDDS promotes visionary leadership, systems innovation, and the development of national policies that support home and community-based services for individuals with disabilities and their families.

The committee's mission is to represent the shared interests of state developmental disabilities agencies in the formulation of federal policies. Director Green will carry out a vital role of the NPWG by aiding the Board of Directors and staff to prepare and execute Association positions on federal policy issues and by overseeing the organization's wide-ranging activities relating to federal policy. 

“I take pride in the critical work that we accomplish in the Nebraska Division of Developmental Disabilities. Our core objective is to help people live better lives, which is shown by DDD's efforts to ensure Nebraskans with intellectual and developmental disabilities get the support needed to live and work in their local communities," said Director Green. “I am humbled and honored for this opportunity to join my peers at the national level, to advocate for federal policy that supports the great work ahead for us in Nebraska". Director Green's appointment to the NPWG is effective February 1, 2023, for a two-year renewable period.

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