Gov. Ricketts Ends Coronavirus State of Emergency

News Release
For Immediate Release: 6/28/2021
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Media Contacts: 
Taylor Gage, (402) 471-1970
Justin Pinkerman, (402) 471-1967


Governor's Media Release:

LINCOLN – This morning, Governor Pete Ricketts held a press conference to announce the end of Nebraska's coronavirus state of emergency.  The Governor issued the state of emergency declaration on March 13, 2020.  It will officially end at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, June 30, 2021.  

Gov. Ricketts also announced that the Test Nebraska program will conclude by the end of July.  The last day specimens will be collected through Test Nebraska sites will be July 18, 2021.

Additionally, the Governor stated his expectation that all schools in Nebraska will return to in-person instruction in the fall, will not require anyone (even if unvaccinated) to wear masks, and will not mandate the vaccine at all. 

During the press conference, Gov. Ricketts praised Nebraskans for their actions during the pandemic.  Nebraska ranks among the best states in the nation for its low fatality rate from the virus, for getting kids back in school, and for protecting livelihoods.

Today, the Governor issued Executive Order (EO) 21-09 to rescind pandemic-related executive orders.  With a few exceptions, the coronavirus executive orders will expire on July 30, 2021, which is thirty days after the state of emergency ends.  Full text of EO 21-09 is available by clicking here.

Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services will end its coronavirus dashboard on June 30, 2021.  Any needed future updates regarding coronavirus will be provided in news releases and through other means.

Video from today's press conference is available by clicking here.

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