Online Complaints regarding: Child Care, Child Placing, and Residential Child Care/Group Home Facilities
For any questions regarding this complaint filing please contact: (402) 471-9205
Instructions: Please furnish all identifying information. Complaints will not be accepted without the name of the facility. A complete address is required. If an address is not included, the Department may not be able to identify the correct facility; especially if there is more than one facility with the same name. Anonymous complaints may be accepted, however, it may have an impact on the Department being able to complete a thorough investigation. All names of complainants are kept confidential, however, you may be asked to testify in a licensure hearing if the need arises as a result of this investigation.
* Indicates required information. Complaints will not be accepted unless this information is provided.
For more information about filing a complaint or if you have any questions, contact Children's Services Licensing: (402) 471-9205