Your 90 day period ends on .
You are unlikely to become reinfected with COVID-19 within 90 days after infection, but should continue to take precautions to reduce your risk of exposure (i.e. social distancing, frequent handwashing, and wearing a mask when social distancing isn't possible).
Your 90 day period ended on .
You are considered susceptible to reinfection with COVID-19. If you are identified as a close contact to a person infected with COVID-19, please quarantine for 14 days from the date you were last exposed to the infected individual. Please take precautions to reduce your risk of exposure (i.e. social distancing, frequent handwashing, and wearing a mask when social distancing isn't possible).
As long as you remain symptom free, your quarantine will last 10 days after your last contact with the person who tested positive. Your last FULL day of quarantine is: .
Your quarantine ENDS on: . On this date, you may resume your usual activities but should continue to monitor for symptoms for an additional 4 days after release from quarantine and contact your healthcare provider if symptoms develop. You should still take precautions to reduce your risk of exposure (i.e. social distancing, frequent handwashing, and wearing a mask when social distancing isn't possible).
NOTE: Release from quarantine after a 7-day quarantine can be accomplished if the following criteria are met: (1) a test is performed on Day 5 or later of quarantine and the result is negative, (2) no symptoms of COVID-19 develop (remain asymptomatic), and (3) self-monitoring for symptoms [check temperature and other symptoms twice daily] for an additional 7 days after release from quarantine.
If you have no symptoms, your last FULL day of isolation is: .
Your isolation ENDS on: . On this date, you may resume your usual activities but should still take precautions to reduce your risk (i.e. social distancing, frequent handwashing, and wearing a mask when social distancing isn't possible).
If your symptoms have improved and 24 hours have elapsed without a fever without the use of medication, your last FULL day of isolation is: .
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