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​​​​​​​​​​​Guidance: Health Care Workforce Executive Orders Expired June 30, 2023

Executive Orders pertaining to Health Care Workforce expired on June 30, 2023. Click here for more information. ​

Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen has issued Executive Order 23-18 - Criminal Background Checks - replacing the previous Executive Order 23-13.

NEW: Executive Order 23-18, effective 12/22/23, replaces Executive Order 23-13 and will expire on July 1, 2024.

Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen recently signed Executive Order 23-18 to avoid a healthcare workforce shortage emergency. This Executive Order replaces Executive Order 23-13 and relates to criminal background checks by fingerprint and only affects licensing for audiologists, speech-language pathologists, licensed independent mental health practitioners, occupational therapists, and occupational therapy assistants.   

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