WIC participants receive food benefits that are specific to their nutritional needs. WIC food packages are designed to reduce complications of pregnancy due to poor nutrition and to promote the healthiest possible birth, growth, and development of children. WIC-authorized stores play a vital role in the WIC food delivery system by providing nutritious foods to WIC Families including:
- Whole Grain bread, brown rice, pasta, cereal, & tortillas
- Low-fat dairy including milk, yogurt, & cheese
- Fresh and frozen fruits & vegetables
- 100% fruit juice
- Legumes, peanut butter, eggs, & canned fish
- Baby foods & formula
The Nebraska WIC Program allows participants to use their WIC food benefits at any approved WIC vendor (stores). Authorized grocery stores may sell WIC foods and formula. Approved special purchase stores (pharmacies) are authorized to sell specialty infant formula and medical formulas only. WIC food benefits are redeemed by participants and authorized vendors are paid for those redemptions.