Internet Access

Medicaid Related Assistance
Medicaid & Long-Term Care
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What you need to know

​Medicaid claim status inquiry (MCCS):

Medicaid client eligibility verification (RFS6)​

​Providers have two choices for viewing client and claim information on the internet. Providers must enroll in these services.


Two forms are required for access:


Confidentiality agreement and application to request access to DHHS Information Technology Assets:

  • Complete one form for your agency. This is a multi-purpose form to accommodate different types of access. Certain fields related to Medicaid provider access have been completed. If the information in a pre-completed field does not effectively describe your agency, please add more information or correct the reply given

External access confidentiality statement:

  • Complete one for each person using the site.

Fax (402) 742-2353 or mail the finished forms to the Medicaid EDI Help Desk at:

Department of Health and Human Services
Attn: Medicaid EDI Help Desk
P.O. Box 95026
Lincoln, NE 68509-5026

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User Guides


Separate login IDs and passwords are required for each person viewing and using the site. It is a breach of your contract to share login IDs and passwords. Contact the Medicaid EDI Help Desk to register staff changes (new staff or staff terminations). Each new member must sign a DHHS external access confidentiality statement.

Passwords are valid for 90 calendar days. When your password expires, you will be prompted to reset the password from the log-in screen. Current passwords may also be revoked when 3 consecutive attempts to log on fail.

To establish a new password or change a current password:

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your assigned 'SS' number (user name) and current password
  3. Select 'change' and enter new password
  4. Confirm new password
  5. Log off website

If you are not able to change your password, please contact the DHHS Help Desk (402) 471-9069 for help.

Medicaid EDI Help Desk
Department of Health & Human Services
Phone Number
(402) 471-9461
Toll Free Number
(866) 498-4357
Mailing Address

301 Centennial Mall South

Lincoln, Nebraska 68509