The Nebraska Casemix Internet System (NCIS) was developed as an easy online service to help providers to:
- Review care level/weighted days reports
- Enter bed hold days
- View past due assessments and errors that are causing assessments to be rejected by the Nebraska Casemix system.
- Enter/receive comments on care level/weighted day reports and bed holds
This replaces paper documents and related costs and will allow providers and state staff to communicate online to resolve assessment issues. As we continue to work towards a user friendly, functional system, provider comments are encouraged.
Casemix MDS error report resolution guide: NCIS Error Descriptions for NFs
Please see following PDF for further information regarding enrollment, log-in information, and website utilization information: NCIS Training
Initial enrollment requires the completion of the DHHS IT confidentiality statement and external access statement. In addition, please note:
Question 9 on the confidentiality agreement requires that each facility submit their policy(ies) outlining the review and reporting of HIPAA security violations. Please see the PDF below for creating policy(ies) or required content:
HIPAA IT Security and Policy Instructions
The following completed forms can be submitted via email, fax, or mail:
*Only applies to new nursing facilities or facilities undergoing change in ownership
The completed forms may be mailed to:
Nebraska DHHS Medicaid and LTC
Attention: Dawn Sybrant
PO Box 95026
Lincoln, NE 68509-5026
DHHS email address:
To access the website, click on the following link:
Separate login IDs and passwords are required for each person accessing the site. It is a violation of your agreement to share login IDs and passwords.
Contact Tonya Remaklus, Administrative Specialist at (402) 471-5959 or to register staff changes (new staff or staff terminations). Each new member must sign a DHHS external access confidentiality statement. Each new staff member must sign a DHHS external access confidentiality statement.
Passwords are valid for 60 calendar days. When your password expires, you will not be able to access the NCIS site. Passwords may also be revoked when 3 consecutive attempts to log on are unsuccessful.
To establish a new password or change a current password:
- Go to:
- Enter your assigned UserID and current password
- Select “Reset" and follow prompts
- Confirm new password
- Log off website
- Log back on to access NCIS Web
If your password change is not successful, please contact the DHHS Help Desk at (800) 722-1715 for assistance.