DHHS may be able to help families with the cost of child care through the Child Care Subsidy Program. The first step is to apply through iServe and complete a phone interview. DHHS will review a number of factors, such as earned income (e.g. wages) and unearned income (e.g. child support, Social Security payments and Unemployment Insurance).
In order to qualify for assistance, the parent(s) must be doing one or more of the following:
- Involved with Employment First as part of the ADC program
- Going to school or trainings
- Going to medical or therapy visits for self or their child(ren)
- Ill or hurt (must be confirmed by a doctor)
For two parent families, both parents must be participating in one of the activities listed above at the same time.
The Child Care Subsidy Program is for children age 12 and younger. If a child turns 13 during the child care authorization, care may continue through the remainder of the authorization. A family may receive Child Care Subsidy for a child up to the age of 19 if the child requires care due to a special need.
The full cost of child care may be covered. Depending on their income, some families may owe a monthly fee that is paid directly to the child care provider. The provider will then bill DHHS for the remainder of the bill.
Families eligible for the Child Care Subsidy Program may pick a provider of their choice. However, DHHS will only pay for child care if the provider is approved by DHHS. Parents can choose from the following types of providers:
- Licensed Child Care Centers
- Licensed Family Child Care Homes
- Homes that do not need a license
- In-Home Care, or care provided in the parent's home (there are limits on this type of care)
A parent can use a provider who is not already approved (such as a friend or family member). The provider will need a referral done for them to begin the approval process. The parent will need to call ACCESSNebraska and give them the provider's information. The referral is then sent to Resource Development and they will be in contact with the provider in regards to getting approved. Approval may take up to six weeks to complete. Payment can start once the provider has been approved. Payments will not be backdated to the date the referral was made.
Potential provider must first complete the following:
- Prepare to Care online Health and Safety Training Orientation
- Certification in pediatric first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- State background checks, including:
- State of Nebraska Central Registry for Adult Abuse and Neglect;
- State or Nebraska Central Registry for Child Abuse and Neglect;
- State Patrol Sex Offenders Registry;
- State of Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles; and
- Local and State Law Enforcement Agencies.
To learn more about the Child Care Subsidy program: