Residential Child Caring Agency Licensing and Child Placing Agency Licensing

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What you need to know

What you need to know


Nebraska Law Requires National Criminal History Records – Fingerprints for Anyone Who Works In a Residential Child Caring Agency. Here are the Requirements and Instructions:

In Nebraska, anyone who provides foster care or adoption services to children and youth must be licensed. There are two types of licenses:

Residential Child-Caring Agency:  An organization which is incorporated for the purpose of providing care for children and youth in buildings maintained by the organization for that purpose.
Child-Placing Agency:  An organization which is authorized for its articles of incorporation and by its license to place children in foster family or adoptive homes.    

How to Apply

Initial Licensing
The Department of Human Services, Public Health, Children's Services Licensing would like to assist you in determining which license is appropriate for the services you intend to provide for Nebraska children and youth. To assist you in an accurate and timely manner, please complete the Residential Child-Caring and Child-Placing Agency Pre-Screening Tool.​ 

​Based on evaluation of your pre-screening responses, you will be provided additional information or resources to assist you further at the email address provided on the pre-screening document.  

Renewal Licensing

Residential Child-Caring Agency and Child-Placing Agency licenses are renewed annually per regulations adopted in 2021. ​

Residential Child-Caring Agency licenses expire on September 30 of each calendar year.  Child-Placing Agency licenses expire on March 31 of each calendar year. At least 60 days prior to expiration, currently licensed agencies will receive written correspondence from Children's Services Licensing requesting they submit complete renewal materials for their specific license type.

For Residential Child-Caring Agency renewal, please submit:

  • Completed application indicating renewal
  • Proof of liability insurance coverage or evidence if self-insured
  • Current Certificate of Occupancy
  • Most recent Fire and Sanitation Inspection approvals
  • Check or money order for $25 renewal fee

​For Child-Placing Agency renewal, please submit:

  • Complete application indicating renewal
  • Proof of liability insurance coverage or evidence if self-insured
  • Check or money order for $25 renewal fee

Renewed licenses will not be issued to the licensee without proper application and payment.

Unless requested otherwise, all information may be mailed to:

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Licensure Unit
Children's Services Licensing
PO Box 94986
Lincoln NE 68509-4986

Amending a License

Any licensee who needs to make a change to the license must obtain approval from the Department of Health and Human Services. To obtain approval, please e-mail​ for an application. The application can be sent to:

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Licensure Unit
Children's Services Licensing
PO Box 94986
Lincoln NE 68509-4986

Changes in the license include: 

  • Location
  • Administrator
  • Age range
  • Capacity
  • Space
  • Gender of children 

How to File a Complaint

The department investigates all allegations of licensing violations in children and youth care facilities. Complaints related to a licensed Residential Child-Caring or Child-Placing Agency can be made by one of the following methods:

     Department of Health and Human Services
     Children's Services Licensing
     PO Box 94986
     Lincoln, Ne 68509 

When making the complaint, please include the following:

  • Name of facility 
  • Address of the facility
  • Person filing the complaint and their telephone number (names are kept confidential)
  • Nature of the complaint/date of incident (Please specify the concerns you have about the facility including any names, dates, and times that describe the incident(s); and your relationship to the subject of the complaint/incident(s). Please also include the names of other individuals who may have knowledge of the incident. 


  • Provisional and Probationary License Fees for Residential Child-Caring and Child-Placing Agencies: $25
  • Initial and Renewal License Fees for Residential Child Caring and Child Placing Agencies: $25
  • Duplicate license fee: $10

Fee must be received before a license will be issued. Fees are non-refundable. Cash is not accepted.



You are required to have pre-licensing inspections before you can begin operation. The department will investigate to determine if you are able to ensure the proper care and treatment of children. Types of inspections include:

  • Initial licensure
  • Renewal licensure
  • Complaint investigation
  • Change in the use of the facility (capacity, adding rooms, service)  

Office of  Children's Services Licensing
Department of Health & Human Services/Division of Public Health/Licensure Unit
Phone Number
(402) 471-9278
Toll Free Number
(800) 600-1289
Fax Number
(402) 742-2390
Mailing & Physical Addresses

DHHS Licensure Unit

Attn: Children's Services Licensing

PO Box 94986

Lincoln NE 68509-4986


Nebraska State Office Building

301 Centennial Mall South

14th & M Streets, 3rd Floor

Lincoln NE 68508

Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed federal holidays.