Nurse Licensing

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The Nebraska Board of Nursing approves pre-licensure nursing programs offered to Nebraska residents.​ 

Any pre-licensure program (leading to NCLEX examination) providing education to students in Nebraska MUST contact the Nebraska Board of Nursing. Program approval may be required.

The Nebraska Board of Nursing does not provide oversight or approval of post-licensure programs (online or other delivery methods).


Nebraska follows the recommendation set forth by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Practice is where the student is located. Therefore, if the student is located in a state different from the home state of the nursing program, faculty require licensure in the state where the student is located.

Just as nurses who work in clinical settings and care for patients in another state via telehealth, faculty who teach online students located in another state require additional nurse licensure. 
See page 3 in March 2017 Leader to Leader.

Faculty teaching APRN students require APRN licensure in Nebraska.


Nursing Programs are responsible for working directly with clinical facilities to arrange preceptors for students. Preceptor qualifications for post-licensure programs are established by the nursing program​.

LPN law

LPNs and IV Therapy - article from Nursing News Winter 2018 newsletter

Locations for IV Therapy class

Nurse License Types Issued by Nebraska:

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Licensure follows nine months to one year of education and successful completion of the National Council Licensure Examination Practical Nurse (NCLEX-PN).  The LPN provides direct patient care services.

Registered Nurse (RN)
Registered Nurses have completed two to four years of education at a college or university, and passed the NCLEX-RN in order to qualify for licensure.  The RN plans and directs the plan of nursing care for patients.

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)                                            
An APRN is a registered nurse (RN) with a master's or doctoral degree and national board certification to qualify for licensure. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses apply advanced nursing principals in the provision of patient care services to specific patient populations.

Prescriptive authority is granted to nurse practitioners, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and certified nurse midwives at the time of licensure. No additional documentation or application/permit is required. Click here for controlled substance prescribing information​.

  • Certified Nurse Midwife (APRN-CNM): Practice occurs under the provisions of a practice agreement with a physician including attendance at childbirth; prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care; normal obstetrical and gynecological services for women; and care for the newborn immediately following birth.
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist (APRN-CNS): Practice includes health promotion, health supervision, illness prevention, and disease management, including assessing patients, synthesizing and analyzing data.  The CNS conducts and applies research, advocates, serves as an agent of change, engages in systems management, and assesses and intervenes in complex health care problems most commonly for chronically ill and acute care patient populations. 
  • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (APRN-CRNA): Practice is the performance and assistance with any act involving the administration of medication and monitoring of the patient for anesthesia and alleviation of pain.
  • Nurse Practitioner (APRN-NP): Practice means health promotion, health supervision illness prevention and diagnosis, treatment, and management of common health problems and acute and chronic conditions. Nurse practitioners assess patients and prescribe diagnostic tests, medication and treatments in primary care or specialty practice.


Nurse Licensing Contact Information
Department of Health & Human Services/Division of Public Health/Licensure Unit 
Phone Number
(402) 471-4376
Fax Number
(402) 742-1163
Mailing & Physical Addresses

Licensure Unit
Attn: Nursing
PO Box 94986
Lincoln NE 68509-5026


Nebraska State Office Building
301 Centennial Mall South, 3rd floor
14th & M Streets
Lincoln NE 68508
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed federal holidays.