Formula Update

Public Health
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Effective May 1st,  you will only be able to purchase the type and size of formula on shown on your benefit list. The Nebraska WIC contract formulas are Similac Advance, Similac Total Comfort, Similac Sensitive, and Similac Isomil. If your baby has a medical condition, talk to your WIC Nutritionist for available options. 

Can Size Clarification: ​The standard Similac formulas provided by WIC are 12 oz cans. WIC has the ability to offer more flexibilities in sizes of Hyperallergenic products through the end of June. Learn about the right number of cans you can buy based on the can size:   

 For questions please contact the Nebraska State WIC Office at (402) 471-2781 or toll free at 800-942-1171.