Safe Haven History


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Legislative Bill 157 was introduced in the 2008 Legislative Session. LB 157 was passed on Final Reading, February 7, 2008, by the vote of 41-1-7. 

The full text of LB 157 reads: "No person shall be prosecuted for any crime based solely upon the act of leaving a child in the custody of an employee on duty at a hospital licensed by the State of Nebraska. The hospital shall promptly contact appropriate authorities to take custody of the child." 

LB 157 did not provide an age limit for which a person would drop off a child at a hospital and not be prosecuted. 

In a 2008 Special Session of the Legislature, Legislative Bill 1 was introduced.  LB 1 limits the age of a child who a person can drop off at a hospital and not be prosecuted to the age of 30 days or younger.  Forty-three senators voted for the final version of LB 1. It was signed by Governor Heineman on November 21, 2008.​


Governor Pillen approved Legislative Bill 876 on April 15, 2024. LB 876 amends the current law, Nebraska Revised Statute 29-121, which allows infants thirty days old or younger to be left with an employee on duty at a licensed hospital. 

The new law, effective July 19, 2024, states that no person shall be prosecuted for any crime based solely upon the act of leaving a child ninety days old or younger in the custody of an employee on duty at:

  1. A hospital licensed by the State of Nebraska;
  2. A staffed fire station;
  3. A staffed law enforcement agency; or
  4. An emergency care provider. 

LB 876 also provides funding to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for a public information program.

Historical Documents

Archived News Releases

​​Special Legislative Session Documents

Additional Documents

