Initial Application Process
Nebraska grants reciprocal recognition of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or other Agreement State Radioactive Material Licenses - See Regulatory Guide 3.14.
- Submit three (3) days prior to actual entry into Nebraska:
- Required information as indicated by the Reciprocity Checklist (See below)
- Annual reciprocity fee
- Notification of intent to enter
- Once the Office of Radiological Health receives and reviews the required information, the information is processed and a reciprocity number is assigned. The applicant is notified as soon as possible of any delinquencies so that corrective action can be taken
- If all information is approved and annual fee submitted for processing, reciprocity is granted and a Reciprocity Notice is issued.
Reciprocity Checklist
- Name of company for whom service will be performed
- Name of individual representing that company
- Telephone number of that individual
- Exact location where services will be performed
- Starting date
- Duration of service
- Type of service to be performed
- Name of individual(s) performing service
- Documentation of training for individual(s) (authorized users)
- In-state address of individual(s)
- Identification of sources of radiation to be used
- An up-to-date copy of the pertinent specific license
- A copy of the licensee's operating and emergency procedures
- A completed copy of the U.S. Citizenship Attestation
( Note: Reciprocity cannot be granted without this form being completed annually.) - The annual fee for reciprocity:
Type | Fee |
Industrial Radiography | $2,900.00 |
Wireline Service Operations | $1,200.00 |
Mobile Scanning | $1,700.00 |
Industrial Gauge | $750.00 |
Services | $750.00 |
Gas Chromatograph | $750.00 |
Waste Disposal (waste receipt/packaging) Broker | $1200.00 |