The leading cause of injury among older adults is unintentional falls. Even falls without injury can cause fear of falling, leading to physical dec line, depression, and social isolation. Falls threaten the safety and independence of older Nebraskans' and have significant personal and economic costs.
Through evidence-based interventions and community partnerships, we can reduce the number of falls in Nebraska. DHHS Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Program works with community partners to implement fall prevention programs.
Falls Free CheckUp
Stay healthy and independent by checking your risk for a fall. Take the Falls Free Checkup Survey to learn more.
Fall Prevention Programs in Nebraska
Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention
Tai Chi is a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing that improves strength, flexibility, and balance. Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention is a small group class consisting of at least 16 one-hour sessions.
Stepping On
Stepping On is a seven week small group falls prevention class. The class covers topics including identifying falls hazards in the home, using a walker or cane, strength and flexibility exercises, medication management, proper footwear, and more.
Bingocize combines the game of bingo with exercise and falls prevention and/or nutrition education. The class is held twice a week for 45-60 minutes for 10 weeks. Bingocize allows sedentary adults of all physical and mental abilities to increase their activity.
Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (STEADI)
The STEADI Initiative is a coordinated approach for healthcare providers to prevent older adult falls. STEADI consists of three core elements: screen patients for fall risk, assess modifiable risk factors, and intervene to reduce risk by using clinical and community strategies.
Nebraska Older Adult Falls Coalition
The Nebraska Older Adult Falls Coalition works to prevent fall-related injuries and deaths among older Nebraskans. To join or learn more about the coalition email