Motor vehicle safety programming uses education, partnerships, policy and evidence based programs to improve roadway safety. Topics can include:
- Seat belt use
- Distracted driving
- Child passenger safety
- Teen driver safety
- Impaired Driving (alcohol and other drugs)
- Drowsy driving
- Motorcycle safety
- Pedestrian safety
Driving the Right Message
Parents play a key role in keeping their teen safe at the wheel. Parents who are supportive, involved and enforce driving restrictions can lower their teen's crash risk by 50 percent.
Teens with involved parents/guardians are:
- Twice as likely to use their seat belt,
- 70 percent less likely to drink and drive,
- Half as likely to speed,
- 30 percent less likely to use a cell phone while driving and
- Significantly less likely to drive with multiple passengers
Graduated Driver Licensing
View a summary of
Nebraska's GDL driving restrictions for teens 14 to 17 years of age.
Read more about the four types of driving permits.
Teens in the Driver Seat (TDS)
Teens in the Driver Seat is a free peer-to-peer traffic safety program available to Nebraska junior and senior high schools. The program provides free materials and help in carrying out activities. TDS has shown a decrease in 16 of the 17 risky driving behaviors surveyed. More information about the success of the program can be found in the reports below.
High School TDS Survey Results
Middle School TDS Survey Results
TDS focuses on the top five risks for teen drivers:
- Night time driving
- Speeding
- Distractions
- Low seat belt use
- Alcohol/Drug Impairment
MoreShow LessNebraska Teen Motor Vehicle Safety Surveillance Report
The primary purpose of this
report is to examine traffic-related injury distribution, burden and major risk factors in Nebraska with a particular focus on teen drivers. This report provides information on current prevention work and evidence-based recommendations and solutions for future teen traffic-related injury prevention efforts for local and state entities to carry out. Multiple data sources were used to provide information on crash rates, seat belt use, impaired driving and identification of high crash rate counties.