Provider Screening and Enrollment

Medicaid Related Assistance
Medicaid & Long-Term Care

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Providers interested in enrolling with Nebraska (NE) Medicaid must complete an application.  Most providers can complete this process online . Home and Community-Based Service (HBCS) providers should review Provider Enrollment for Home and Community-Based Services Providers webpageProviders must be enrolled as a Medicaid provider to receive payment from NE Medicaid. Once the application is received, the Provider Relations team determines if the provider is eligible to supply Medicaid services to Nebraskans.

The enrollment process can vary based on the services the provider is enrolling in and the risk level of those services.​Additional information based of the services offered by each provider type can be found on the NE Medicaid Provider Handbook webpage.

Provider reimbursed under the Fee-for-Services (FFS) model are separately paid for each service they perform.  Provider Reimbursement rates can be found on our Provider Rates and Fee Schedules Page. 

How to Enroll in the Nebraska Medicaid Program

All Medicaid providers must be enrolled to provide Medicaid services in Nebraska. Maximus, the enrollment contractor for the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), gathers and screens the information entered into their system.  The Provider Relations team reviews and approves the provider's enrollment. ​


Providers can enroll for the first time or update their existing agreement by visiting Maximus's website.  Questions about the process should be directed to Maximus Customer Service. Maximus can be reached by phone and email:

Provider Resources​​

Additional Resources

​Below are some links to additional resources that may be helpful for Medicaid Providers.

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Frequently Asked Questions​​

I have a question, who do I contact?

Do I have to credential with each Managed Care Organization?

I received a letter, what do I do?

What is the difference between enrollment, renewal, and revalidation?

How do I know it's time to revalidate my agreement?

How do I revalidate my enrollment?

How do I get a National Provider Identifier (NPI)?

How do I complete the Fingerprint Criminal Background Check​?

How do I appeal a provider eligibility determination?

I have questions about my taxes and being a provider.

Besides direct deposit, is there any other way I can be paid for services?

Where can I find more information on submitting claims?

Who do I contact with questions regarding billing for claims?

Do providers need to be enrolled for each location they practice at?

How do I request a retroactive start date?

I was enrolled as a provisionally licensed provider but have now received my license, is there anything else I need to do?


Contact Us

​Medicaid Provider Relations
Division of Medicaid & Long-Term Care / Department of Health & Human Services
Phone Number
(402) 471-9018