Medicaid Insurance for Workers with Disabilities

Medicaid Related Assistance
Medicaid & Long-Term Care
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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What is the MIWD Program?

​The Medicaid Insurance for Workers with Disabilities (MIWD) program allows individuals with disabilities who are employed to qualify for and receive medical coverage even if their income makes it so they are otherwise not eligible for Medicaid.​

In 2020, legislation was passed making changes to the program, creating two new eligibility groups. These changes went into effect on October 1, 2021 and bring modified standards for eligibility as well as lower premium caps. These changes allow more individuals to qualify for and maintain Medicaid benefits through the MIWD program.​​

​How to Qualify for MIWD Benefits

The new MIWD program has two eligibility groups with new criteria.​​

​​​MIWD Basic Coverage Group Criteria:
  • Income between 101% and 250% of the Federal Poverty Level
  • Resources at or below $4,000 for an individual or $6,000 for a couple
  • Be at least 16, but less than 65 years old
  • Have earned income, including self-employment
  • Meet the Social Security Administration disability criteria
MIWD Medical Improvement Group Criteria:
  • All criteria in Basic Coverage Group
  • Employment is defined as earning federal minimum wage and be employed more than 40 hours per month
  • Participant must have been enrolled under the Basic Coverage Group, but lost coverage due to a medically improved disability​

The Social Security Administration's definition of a disability can be found on the Social Security Administration's website.​​

What is a Medically Improved Disability in the MIWD Program?

A medically improved disability in the MIWD program is defined as:

  • A medically determinable severe impairment
  • The impairment continues to substantially limit one's ability to work or conduct daily life activities
  • The mental or physical health condition has been stabilized by assistive technology, medication, treatment, monitoring by medical professionals, or a combination of these factors, and the loss of medical services may result in a deterioration of the condition
  • The loss of medical assistance could result in the participant's inability to continue in the workforce or their health problems would regress to the point where they would meet the Social Security Administration's definition of disabled​​

Current MIWD Participants

The changes participants will see are to income tests, and the removal of the Trial Work Period (TWP) requirement. Current participants will be reviewed for eligibility in the new program and will be notified by DHHS of any changes to their case.

A notice will be sent to the participant detailing the status of their eligibility in the new program. In the notice, the participant will find:

  • The change in state law and regulations relating to the MIWD program
  • Any change to their eligibility group
  • Any change to a monthly premium, if appropriate
    • Additionally, the new program rules reduce the cap to 7.5% for premium contributions by participants, if a premium is needed​

​Medicaid Benefits Within the MIWD Program

The benefits that participants receive in the MIWD program are no different than traditional Medicaid benefits. The services covered through Medicaid can be found on the Medicaid Services page.​

How to Apply

There is not a separate application for the MIWD Program. Applicants submit a general application for Medicaid. Once the application is received, Medicaid staff sorts the applicant into the correct eligibility category.​ Applications can be submitted online through iServe​.

​MIWD Resources

​​These resources explain what has changed in the MIWD program, as well as providing an overview of what the program offers participants.

​​MIWD Program Changes Presentation​​​​​
