Information for Health Professionals

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What you need to know


Questions on a lead case? 

For clinician questions on blood lead case consultation or referrals, contact your Local Health Department​ or the Nebraska Lead Poisoning Prevention Program at 402-471-2937. 

Blood Lead Testing Plan

The 2023 Nebraska Blood Lead Testing Plan​ was recently updated to provide statewide guidance for blood lead testing and management in children, pregnant women, adults, and other populations.

View 2023 Nebraska Blood Lead Testing Plan

​​Testing Recommendations for Children

Blood lead testing is recommended for children with any lead exposure risk factor. These include 1) children enrolled in Medicaid, 2) children living in high risk zip code, or 3) children with another risk identified on a risk questionnaire. Testing among children enrolled in Medicaid is required at 12 and 24 months. ​

​Management Recommendations for Children

Pregnant Women​


Required Blood Lead Level Reporting

Nebraska Reportable Disease Regulations (173 NAC 1) require health care providers and/or laboratories to submit reports of all blood lead tests, including capillary and venous tests regardless of the result, within seven days of detection. If a laboratory provides a report containing the required information to the department, the physician is not required to make the report to the department.

  • Reporting requirements include all point-of-care lead testing from clinics. 
  • For questions on reporting requirements, or to set up new electronic reporting, contact​ or 402-471-2937. 
  • Visit Reportable​ Conditions for more information about reporting blood lead tests. ​

Contact Information
Lead Poisoning Prevention Program​
Phone Number
(402) 471-2937
Toll Free Number
Fax Number
(402) 471-3601​
Mailing Address
PO Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026