Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Initiative

Medicaid Related Assistance
Medicaid & Long-Term Care

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) and the Division of Medicaid & Long-Term Care (MLTC) worked together to reach out to individuals we serve, their families, guardians, advocates, providers, and other stakeholders to participate in workgroups. Workgroups include DHHS employees as well as the public.

Information from workgroups was used to submit waiver applications to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Information will also be used to make system changes and improve service delivery through our Long-Term Care Redesign Project.

Workgroup descriptions and additional information on the waiver initiative are found below.

Public comment periods for the waiver have ended.

Questions or Comments may be sent to: DHHS.DDWaiverQuestions@nebraska.gov

Application and Eligibility

Reviewed how people apply for services and how decisions are made regarding eligibility for DD and HCBS waiver services.

Health and Safety

Reviewed health care, emergency safety restrictions, and other safety concerns. Worked on actual practice matching written protocol. Prioritized needs.

Person-Centered Planning

Reviewed and improved tools used to ensure people are the focus of services. People have valuable gifts, contribute to the community, and have relationships.

Prioritization and Waitlist

Looked at the function of the DD Registry of Unmet Needs or "waitlist." Identified who should have reserved capacity in the waivers.

Provider Enrollment

Developed a provider enrollment process that allows new and qualified providers to offer services. Discussed what support is needed for new providers be successful.

Quality Improvement

Considered the quality assurance currently used and identified gaps that need to be addressed. Developed performance measures to gauge improvement.

Service Definitions & Rate Methodology

Defined individual services using CMS guidelines. Planned a seamless transition to unbundled services. Determined payment amounts for services.

DHHS Home and Community-Based Services Stakeholder Update

Meeting open to the public. Information from DD shared. Updates given regarding other DHHS Divisions: Medicaid & Long Term Health, Children & Family Services, and Behavioral Health.