Data Dashboards for Common HAIs in Nebraska
- Other HAI dashboards are in development
CDC HAI Progress Report
Each year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention creates an infographic progress report on each state's Healthcare Associated Infections performance across four healthcare settings. To find the most recent HAI Progress Report Data, visit the CDC's
Patient Safety Atlas.
Nebraska HAI Rates
As of January 1, 2017, certain HAIs are required to be reported to DHHS. We use these reports to provide Nebraska specific rates for HAIs.
*CLABSI- Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections
*CAUTI – Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
*MRSA Bacteremia- Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the blood stream
*CDI- Clostridioides difficile Infection
*Colon SSI- Surgical Site Infection occurring after a procedure on the colon
*HYSTER SSI- Surgical Site Infection occurring after an abdominal hysterectomy procedure
Range of SIR values in the state for each HAI in 2020
HAI | # Hospitals with > 25 beds in Nebraska group | # Hospitals in NE group used to calculate Min., Med., and Max.** | NE Minimum SIR | NE Median SIR | NE Maximum SIR | Ne State SIR | 2019 National Baseline | # NE Hospitals below National Baseline |
CAUTI* | 21 | 14 | 0.00 | 0.58 | 2.72 | 0.72 | 0.74 | 9 |
CLABSI* | 21 | 13 | 0.00 | 0.46 | 2.02 | 0.73 | 0.69 | 7 |
CDI* | 25 | 21 | 0.00 | 0.39 | 1.21 | 0.52 | 0.58 | 11 |
MRSA bacteremia* | 25 | 11 | 0.00 | 0.68 | 1.74 | 0.63 | 0.82 | 8 |
Colon SSI* | 20 | 10 | 0.00 | 0.75 | 1.83 | 0.99 | 0.86 | 5 |
Hyster SSI* | 20 | 5 | 0.51 | 1.41 | 1.95 | 1.26 | 0.98 | 2 |
Only facilities in NE State NHSN group are included, no hospitals with 25 beds or less are included. One facility is exempt from reporting, 5 facilities do not perform Colon or Total Abdominal Hysterectomies.
** If the predicted number of infections for a specific HAI is less than one for a facility, the SIR cannot be calculated and they are excluded from the calculation of min, med, or max SIRs.
Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR)
The SIR is the actual number of infections divided by a predicted number of infections based on risk adjusted models developed the National Healthcare Safety Network, a division of the CDC. A SIR of 1.0 indicates the number of infections a hospital reported were equal to the number of infections predicted. Hospitals strive to have a SIR in all Healthcare Associated Infections as low as possible.
Learn more about SIR.
National Baseline
The National Baseline for each Healthcare Associated Infection was recalculated using national data reported into the NHSN (National Healthcare Safety Network) based on calendar year 2015. Risk models for each HAI type were re-evaluated and adjusted to reflect greater detail for individual facilities and their population of patients. If a hospital’s SIR is below the National Baseline, it means it performed better than the average for the nation for that particular HAI.
What is Hospital Compare?
Hospital Compare is a data registry with information about the quality of care at over 4,000 Medicare-certified hospitals across the country. You can use Hospital Compare to find hospitals close to you and help you make informed decisions about which hospital will best meet your healthcare needs. However, in an emergency, you should go to the nearest hospital.
Using Hospital Compare
Step 1: Click here to get started on Hospital Compare's home page
Step 2: Search
- Enter your location. You may search by:
- ZIP code
- City and State
- State
- Once you've entered your location, you may also narrow your search by entering a full or partial hospital name. This is optional.
- Click 'Search.' A new screen will show hospitals that match your search criteria.
Step 3: View Results
- Now you should have a screen displaying the hospitals that match your search criteria.
- Up to 20 hospitals will be displayed on the screen.
- If you would like to see more, click the page navigation buttons at the top or bottom of the list.
- If you would like to see your results on a map, select the "Go to Map View" button on the right.
- You can add hospitals from the list to your account's favorites table by clicking the "add to My Favorites" link below the hospital of your choice. The link will navigate you to the home page.
- If you are a registered user, you can enter your information on the login page and then navigate to the workflow pages.
- If you would like to create a account you can create an account and then navigate to the workflow pages to use this feature.
- You can modify your search by using the panel to the right.
- Location: Enter a different ZIP code, city and state, or state to change your location
- Hospital Type: Enter a type of specialty service you are looking for to narrow your search results.
- Hospital Name: Enter or change the full or partial name of the hospital you are looking for to narrow your search results.
- Once you have finished modifying your search, click the "Update Search Results" button. This new page will show results that match your new search criteria.
- You can click directly on the name of the hospital to navigate to that hospital's profile. See step 4 for more information on hospital profiles.
Step 4: Compare Hospitals
- You can compare up to three hospitals at a time by selecting the "Add to Compare" button below the hospital of your choice.
- You must select at least one hospital and up to three hospitals.
- The hospitals you have chosen to compare will appear in a list at the top of the page.
- To remove a hospital from your list of hospitals to compare, either:
- Click the check box next to the name of the hospital at the top of the page. OR
- Find the hospital you wish to remove in the search results list and click the "Remove from Compare" button under the hospital name.
- Once you have selected the hospitals you want to compare, click the "Compare Now" button above the search results.
- On the "Compare Hospitals" page, information is grouped in tabs. Select any of the tabs to view the related information for your selected hospitals.
- You can click directly on the hospital's name to navigate to that hospital's profile.
Step 5: Hospital Profile Page
Information is grouped in tabs on an individual hospital. Select any of the tabs to view the related information for your selected hospital.
Step 6: Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Information
- To view a hospital's HAI data, select the "Complications" tab.
- Click on the "Healthcare-Associated Infections" drop-down menu to see more information about facility HAI rates.
- Here you can see how well the hospital is doing on reducing rates for specific HAIs in comparison to the national benchmark.
- If you would like to see more information, such as the facility's standardized infection ratio and the total number of infections reported, click on the "View More Details" button.
- To see a graph of the HAI data for a facility, click on the "Show Graphs" button.
- To return to the table, click the "Show Tables" button.