The cooling season is from June 1st through August 31st. Payments are made one time per cooling season to utility providers. The cooling assistance payment reduces the amount a household must pay toward residential cooling utilities. The household is responsible to pay for utilities not covered by the cooling assistance payment. To qualify, a household must be LIHEAP-eligible and include a household member who:
- Is a child under age 6 who receives Aid to Dependent Children (ADC);
- Is age 70 or older;
- Has a severe illness or condition which is aggravated by extreme heat as verified by a medical statement signed by a licensed healthcare provider; or,
- Has received an air conditioner from DHHS within four years of the application date.
NOTE: If a household member has a severe illness or condition which is aggravated by extreme heat, an IM-55 is required to be completed by a licensed healthcare provider to verify the need for cooling assistance. DHHS will provide the household with the IM-55 upon request.