Screening Enrollment Lesson - Everything you need to know about qualifying factors and enrollment in the Every Woman Matters and Nebraska Colon Cancer Screening Programs
Screening Card Lesson - What to do with the Screening Cards patients bring to their appointments
Breast Diagnostic Enrollment Lesson - Everything you need to know about breast diagnostic enrollment in EWM
Cervical Diagnostic Enrollment Lesson - Everything you need to know about cervical diagnostic enrollment in EWM
Colon Cancer Program Lesson - Everything you need to know about the Nebraska Colon Cancer Screening Program
Other Important Forms - How to use other forms and resources from EWM
Referring EWM Clients to Nebraska Tobacco Quitline - How to refer your Every Woman Matters patients to the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline
Women's & Men's Health Quick Reads Newsletter - Provider Updates, Highlights & Prevention Insights:
Issue 1: 10-30-24
Issue 2: 02-04-25
Trainings and Continuing Education Resources
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Federal Cervical Cancer Collaborative (FCCC) released a new resource, Improving Patient Engagement in Cervical Cancer Prevention: Communication Toolkit for Health Centers and Safety-net Settings of Care. The Patient Engagement Toolkit supports to increase patient and community engagement in cervical cancer prevention, screening, and management. Materials include social media posts, posters, a cervical screening follow-up card and more. Toolkit/Materials are available in English and Spanish.
Hospital & Healthcare Guide 2019
Health Equity and Prevention Primer - web-based training series for public health practitioners and advocates interested in achieving health, safety and health equity through policy advocacy, community change, and multi-sector engagement. - dedicated to providing free, professional support services including counseling, support groups, educational workshops, publications and financial assistance.
PeerView Institute - dedicated to improving clinical competence and performance, patient outcomes and ultimately public health through the provision of continuing education (CME and professional development activities. Credits are available FREE of charge for physicians and nurses. Many classifications of topics are available.
American Academy of CME, Inc. - recognizes the importance of continuing education for professional development for healthcare professionals and the need to address clinical practice gaps that impact patient care. The Academy provides certified continuing education to physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, dieticians, social workers/case managers, transplant coordinators and other healthcare professionals.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - clinical practice guidelines and resources are housed on this site.
Nebraska Tobacco Quitline Adds Continuing Education Opportunity for Healthcare Providers: Accredited courses are now available online, through the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline, for providers looking to receive CME, CNE, or CPE credits. To access tools, resources, and education modules, plus the web and fax referrals for providers ready to help patients quit, go to: