Nebraska Hands & Voices is a parent-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. They are non-biased about communication methodologies and believe that families will make the best choices for their child if they have access to good information and support. Their membership includes families who communicate manually and/or orally. H&V offers unbiased support to families, and their motto is: "What works for your child is what makes the choice right."
Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side ™ is a replicable family support program that embodies the mission and vision of Hands & Voices ™, which is to provide unbiased support to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Guide By Your Side (GBYS) does this through specially trained parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. These parents work as “Guides" directly with families who have just learned of their child's hearing condition, or who have older children and are in need of the unique support that comes from someone else who has walked this path him/herself and can share from direct experience and wisdom. The H&V GBYS Program can provide opportunities for families to meet other children and adults who are D/HH. This can be done at social events, in-person, through panels presentations, etc.
Appropriate and quality learning opportunities should exist for all children. The education of students who are deaf or hard of hearing requires specialized programs, and appropriately certified personnel with effective communication skills. The Nebraska Regional Programs was developed to support the concept of regional programs and cooperative relationships with the school districts, educational service units and consortium of school districts in order to:
- Maximize resources in providing programs and services for children who are deaf or hard of hearing
- Provide a network of support and services that will serve as the state infrastructure to link programs together and assist in the enhancement of a child's educational program
- Provide continued support to quality educational programs, which may include center-based options
- Reinforce the belief that children who are deaf or hard of hearing benefit from education with hearing and deaf or hard of hearing peers
- Continue state leadership and support for a full continuum of placement options for children who are deaf or hard of hearing
- Provide social opportunites for children who are deaf or hard of hearing
The mission of the Nebraska Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is to promote and advocate for Nebraskans who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind or Hard of Hearing; to achieve equality and opportunity in social, educational, vocational, and legal aspects impacting their daily lives; and to enhance and monitor access to effective communication and telecommunication technology. The Commission has an Educational Advocate available to support families across the state.
PTI Nebraska (Parent Training and Information) is a statewide resource for families of children with disabilities and special health care needs.
PTI Nebraska's staff are parent/professionals and are available to talk to parents and professionals about special education and disability specific information.
HearU Nebraska provides hearing aids to children ages 0-18 with priority to newly identified children ages 0-3. To qualify, child cannot have hearing aid coverage through Medicaid, MHCP, or private insurance. HearU also provides assistance to families who are underinsured for hearing aid coverage and meet eligibility requirements.
- All hearing aids will be loaned for a period of 5 years, with extensions as needed.
- All new hearing aids will include a 2-year warranty and 2-year loss and damage.
- Inventory includes NEW and recently refurbished hearing aids.
EDN provides early intervention services for families with children birth to age three* with developmental delays and/or health care needs and connects families to needed services.
Providing developmental supports and services early improves a child's ability to develop and learn. Also, it may prevent or decrease the need for special help later. The goal of early intervention in Nebraska is to “open a window of opportunity" for families to help their children with special needs develop to their full potential.
*Services for children over age three are available through the local school district or educational service unit (ESU).
Deaf and hard of hearing individuals have unique needs and interests that can best be recognized and handled by themselves. NeAD has been serving all deaf and hard of hearing people in Nebraska, their families, advocates, and public service providers since 1902.
Deaf Role Models are deaf or hard of hearing adults who are role models to children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families. Deaf Role Models help increase a family's ability to successfully communicate with their deaf or hard of hearing child. They increase parent's appreciation for and understanding of American Sign Language (ASL) as well as other forms of communication, Deaf Culture, and the Deaf Community. Deaf Mentors assist in supporting the child's language development, communication, and self-identity through interaction with a deaf adult.
Nebraska EHDI's goal is to facilitate an opportunity for stakeholders to work together to create a statewide Deaf or Hard of Hearing Role Model or Mentor program that will allow parents of a child who is D/HH to have access to a Deaf or Hard of Hearing adult. Our goal is for Deaf adults to be able to share their experiences and opportunities in an unbiased manner. This type of exposure can be through one-on-one interactions, group/social activities, panel presentations, or other means that accommodate the families we serve.
"The two greatest gifts you can give your child are roots and wings." Each year, Boys Town National Research Hospital provides a weekend workshop for Nebraska families with children who have recently been identified as Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
The goal of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for families to learn about hearing loss, network with others, explore ways to support their children's development and learn about educational advocacy. Roots & Wings is founded on the following guiding principles:
- Respect the child who is deaf or hard of hearing as an individual whose unique nature, strengths and learning style are to be celebrated.
- Honor each family's unique beliefs, traditions and strengths, as it is the family's right to incorporate these values into their decisions for their child.
- Empower the family by providing unbiased and up-to-date information to support the promotion of optimal social, emotional, communicative and educational development in their child.
Each year, Nebraska EHDI provides a scholarship to one parent who wishes to attend the EHDI Annual meeting. This is an opportunity for a parent to network and learn about the many resources available for their family and child. It is also another opportunity for NE-EHDI to involve parents in our program and ask for feedback for program improvement to better serve families in Nebraska.
We encourage parents of a child (no age limit) who is deaf or hard of hearing, and who have not previously attended the National EHDI Annual Meeting to apply for the scholarship. The goal of the EHDI Annual Meeting is to enhance the implementation of comprehensive state-based EHDI programs. Families play a critical role in recommending improvements in the EHDI process.