DHHS’ Public Assistance Office Changing Location

News Release
For Immediate Release: 5/17/2021
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Barb Tyler, (402)-471-3486


Lincoln – The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has started the process of relocating the Lincoln public assistance office from the Gold's Building, located at 1050 N Street, to 246 S. 14th Street, which is at the intersection of 14th and M Streets.  The new office will open in June.

The DHHS public assistance office helps people with questions concerning economic assistance and Medicaid/CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) services.

The Lincoln office will continue to operate during the move with no disruption of services, with the exception of the afternoon of June 4, from 1 pm to 5 pm., when the office will be closed.  DHHS teammates will be available at the Gold's location until that time.  The phone number (402) 473-7000 and the toll-free number (855) 632-7633 will remain the same.  

On Monday, June 7, at 8 a.m. the new office will be the open and available to the public.   

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